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 Автор Тема: На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5277
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 09 фев 24 11:57
Это Пентагон, тот кто не даёт мне опубликовать моё открытие. Это ЦРУ. Блядские пидорасы боятся что технология утечёт к русским и они не проиграют войны.
Действительно, установка моей технологии на дроны и других роботов приведёт к кардинальным изменениям на поле боя.
Вот так моё открытие, которое сделало философию точной наукой и привело к созданию Искусственного Интеллекта, который всякий может увидеть у OpenAI или Гугл Gemini, привело к тому что моё открытие в физике замалчивается.

Будь проклят Пентагон и ЦРУ!
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5277
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 11 фев 24 9:09
Newton, Coulomb and Ampere.
The equation for the universal gravitational interaction of two bodies utilizes the distance between their centers of mass, and the constant G as the gravitational constant.
Coulomb's inverse-square law is an experimental law of physics that calculates the force between two electrically charged particles at rest. The law states that the magnitude of the attractive or repulsive electrostatic force between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, and there exists a constant.
Ampère's law also asserts that the magnetic force per unit length between two straight parallel conductors is proportional to the distance between them, and there is a constant.
Thus, these three laws are for two bodies, charges, or conductors, which allows the formulation of one law within the framework of the Internal Relations of Analytical Philosophy theory for two parts of one whole, for two parts of one orisphere, one accumulation point.
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5277
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 26 фев 24 14:19
Hafele and Keating circled the globe twice, first traveling eastward and then westward, with four sets of cesium atomic clocks. They then compared the "traveling" clocks with identical clocks that remained at the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO), as part of an experiment intended to test the theory of relativity. Since then, after Hafele-Keating, it was believed that Einstein's theory was proven; indeed, but not in the way Hafele and Keating thought.
The Continuation claims that the Hafele-Keating experiment unequivocally proves that density layers are real. For instance, the four atomic clocks at an altitude of 10 km become, at their hardware level, different by the number of photons from one left at sea level, which is obvious from the indication of different times. The same happens with GPS: there is no change in time due to the radius to the center of the Earth, but there more or less photons in the layers.
Photons are not atoms or molecules, nor muons or electrons; they are held within atoms, for instance, in clocks of Hafele-Keating, which demonstrate two-slit and diffraction experiments. Apparently, the residence time within atoms for photons is dictated by the radius of the density layer. This can be seen from the differences in the sizes of planets in the Solar System. Also, the sizes of electrons should be different.
Perihelion of Mercury.
Mercury deviates from the calculated base on Newton’s law of gravitation precession, there it was first recognized in the mid-19th century as a problem of celestial mechanics and still plays an exceptional role in Physics. Einstein developed the general theory of relativity, where the equations predicted precisely the value that was actually observed.
The Continuation explains why such a displacement occurs, without objecting Einstein’s result a bit: when the number of elements, in the molar volume of Mercury, exceeds its stationary, since particles are obtained from the solar wind and photons from the Sun, then Mercury changes its orbit to get rid of the excess by emitting. After the surplus is gone, Mercury receives a stationary ratio of molar characteristics back, and returns to the old orbit, which is another proof of the layers of density existence, as well as of the new interpretation of Hafele and Keating and denial of Quantum physics.
Corona of the Sun and the Earth clouds.
The corona, in astronomy, is the outermost layer of a star's atmosphere, consisting of plasma. The Sun's corona is located above the chromosphere and extends for millions of kilometers into outer space, floating above, while the Earth's clouds are an airborne product of water vapor condensation in the atmosphere, also hovering beneath the surface. The corona and clouds serve as another evidence of the existence of density layers; they explain why billions and trillions of tons can float, while there is no other explanation of these phenomena in astronomy and physics.
The quantum entanglement.
Quantum entanglement is traditionally described as a phenomenon that occurs when particles interact in such a way that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the state of the other, when the particles are separated by a very large distance. However, this presupposes the existence of a detached observer and encounters problems with three or more bodies, where the observer becomes the third. In this context, both Einstein and Bohr were wrong, or rather both were right, at the Fifth Solvay Congress in 1927: the Moon exists only interacting (as a second part) and it exists always, represented through the constant in the law of interaction.
The displacement current.
Or the displacement current, when the current in the capacitor exists despite the open circuit, without any medium between its plates: changes in the atom on one of the plates lead to the appearance of current in the atom beyond the break in the circuit. This indicates that an orisphere and density layers are real: with an increase in the distance between the plates, the displacement current disappears, just as the bands disappear with an increase in the size of the slit in the double-slit experimen.
The Ether and Vacuum.
The ether, as a medium, does not exist, because there is no medium between two parts of one; there is no vacuum either because of the same.
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle asserts that we cannot simultaneously know the exact position and velocity of a particle, such as a photon or an electron; the more precisely we determine the position of the particle, the less we know about its velocity, and vice versa.
In the Sequel there is no uncertainty principle, because there is neither an observer, distance nor speed, nor the position.
Copenhagen interpretation.
The Copenhagen interpretation discusses the relationship between quantum objects and classical measuring instruments, in the presence of the dualism concept.
1. There is no dualism, though, as was proved above.
2. There is no difference between quantum and non-quantum objects, because quantitatively they all are the same.
3. There are no measuring instruments, since any such device is a third body.
The Copenhagen interpretation is wrong and should be disregarded as such.
The Wave function and Schrödinger equations.
There is no the wave function because there is no dualism. Schrodinger's equations are meaningless because of the same reason.
Schrödinger's Cat and the Twins.
Schrödinger's cat cannot be isolated from the outside world because there is no outside, the cat is one of two interacting parts without any medium between.
The same goes for the twins, who feature in Einstein's thought experiment: he said that one of them travels into space on a high-speed rocket and returns home, discovering that the twin who remained on Earth has aged even more. In the Continuation there are only two interacting parts and are twins these parts? There is no the twins problem anymore.
The first law of thermodynamics is a fundamental principle of nature, asserting that energy is neither created nor destroyed, but only transformed. However, photons appear from nowhere and disappear into nowhere, as Hegel stated. For example, an astronomer doesn't know that a star is born thousands of light-years away until its photon hits their eye. Or where does the light from a flashlight directed at the sky go? It goes nowhere until it is perceived by an astronomer on the other side of the Universe. Therefore, the "first law" and thermodynamics is an error: according to Hegel and Bradley, nothing comes into our Universe and goes into nowhere.
Lorentz transformations, force and groups.
There is no distance between and “position in space”, and there is no more Lorentzian in physics.
As follows from the formula for the force of interaction, the change in increments is continuous, as demonstrated by the trigonometric functions in the formula above, until these functions reach their limit (0 = 1). However, humans, molecules, and trees do not have spins because they do not form orispheres.
Compton effect.
The Compton effect is the scattering of photons after an interaction with an obstacle, for instance an electron. There is no difference between the Compton and diffraction and interference, they are the same.
Speed of light.
In a double-slit (or soap bubbles, or any other experiment on diffraction and interference), under the influence of light (the standard Einstein photoelectric effect), an atom at the edge of the slits (or in the walls of bubbles, or in any obstacle on the path of light for diffraction) changes its molar characteristics (this observation happens in the Minkowski space, since no force is calculated.)
This leads to the emergence of an interaction force.
Under the influence of this force, the atom captures a passing photon (the transition to the accumulation point from Minkowski), the receipt of which contributes to the reduction of increments and the restoration of its stationary state (as proposed by Bohr).
The captured photon is integrated into electrons or nucleons before it is emitted.
Coherent photon emission does not occur immediately but with some delay, which manifests itself in the formation of dark and light fringes in interference patterns, or diffraction bending (Minkowski again).
The fact of observing interference stripes (constant for the same material), as well as the fact that the angle of deviation of the light beam in the geometric shadow is also constant for the same material, indicates that there will be no stripes or deviation if there are no spins for the electron and nucleons. Just as there will be no time delay if there are no spins. This means that since all three are present, there is also the minimum possible time delay and, therefore, the maximum possible speed of light, if we turn Postulate 2 upside down, with the speed of light at the time of entry into the accumulation point, as a set of photons.
Einstein's speed of light is experimentally proven by interference and diffraction, when material is locked at the accumulation point.
Plank constant.
Plank constant is not needed.
Newton's laws rewritten into molar mass and volume.
The First Law:
— There are material and prolonged-material points.
Assumed that -1-brane is characterized by length (a chord?) and (molar?) mass, -2-brane has only (molar?) mass.
Second Law:
— Becoming a point of accumulation, material points acquire their molar volumes.
Newton's Third Law:
— A point of accumulation tends to lose its molar volume and become a material point (perhaps -1-brine).
Electricity and magnetism.
Electricity and magnetism are manifestations of a tendency towards stationary state (the same as a pedestrian's striving for improvement). Since the defect of can be either of molar volume or mass, the restoration of volume is proclaimed to be electrical, while masses are understood to be magnetic; meanwhile, magnetic phenomena can become electrical, and vice versa.
This explanation of the nature of magnetism and electricity serves as indirect confirmation of introducing the concept of "density" as the ratio of mass to volume and vice versa.
Maxwell's equations rewritten for molar characteristics.
1) The law for the increment of the molar volume: the increment of the molar volume leads to the emergence of the force of interaction, manifested as electricity D.
2) The law for the increment of the molar mass: the increment of the molar mass leads to the emergence of the force of interaction, manifested as magnetism B.
3) The law of the transition of the increment of the molar mass to the increment of the molar volume: the increment of one leads to the increment of the other E.
4) The law of transition of the increment of the molar volume to the increment of the molar mass: the increment of one leads to the increment of the other H.
Atoms, planets and stars exist for millions and billions of years. The suggestion is made that the fourth kind of points, +1-brane, comes as something transcendental out from nowhere to our Universe, making all what forms orispheres to radiate photons. There is no entropy but conversions of one kind of points to another, as the rewritten laws of Newton dictate.
The replacement of multiple material points with a single accumulation point has led to the experimental confirmation of Einstein's thesis that there is no velocities greater than the speed of light. The first consistent, axiom-based physical theory has also been proposed, which has never happened before.

1. Encyclopedia Mathematical Dictionary. Moscow. Soviet Encyclopedia. 1988
2. NIST Special Publication 500-272: The Fifteenth Text REtrieval Conference Proceedings (TREC 2006) Answering Factoid and Definition Questions: On Information for an Object. Ilya Geller. Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 14-17, 2006.

Blumenhagen, R.; Lüst, D.; Theisen, S. (2012). Basic Concepts of String Theory. Springer

Hegel W., "The Encyclopedia Logic"; [p.136].

Bradley F.H. "Appearance and Reality"

3. Leibniz G. Monadology. ThriftBooks-Dallas (Dallas, TX, U.S.A.). 2009

Moore G.E., Selecting Writings, International Library of Philosophy, Edited by Thomas Baldwin, New York, 1993; [Proof of an External World]
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5277
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 02 мар 24 23:32
16. И сказал я: мудрость лучше силы, и однако же мудрость бедняка пренебрегается, и слов его не слушают

Хочу быть услышанным, должен стать богатым.
В прошлый раз пидорасы Брин, Пейдж и Шмидт ограбили, не дав стать богатым. И украв ещё 15 лет жизни.
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5277
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 05 мар 24 1:24
A continuation of Einstein's theory of relativity

The results of double slits and diffraction experiments have been re-examined: photons are exclusively particles without any wave properties. Using molar mass and volume, a single accumulation point has been proposed instead of multiple material points. Changes have been made to Einstein's theory of relativity and Poincaré's recurrence theorem; Russell's paradox is resolved. A unified formula for the interaction for two components of one entity is derived, by modifying Newton's law of universal gravitation, Coulomb's and Ampere's laws; the essence of the constant is clarified. Newton's three laws and Maxwell's equations are rewritten. The results of experiments on displacement current, perihelion of Mercury, corona of the Sun, Earth's clouds, and Hafele-Keating experiment have been re-examined.
The fallacy of quantum physics is demonstrated: no dualism of photon, Copenhagen interpretation is wrong, Noether's theorem and Schrödinger's equation are errors.

Material points, as abstractions possessing only mass and replacing physical bodies in the study of nature and calculating, have been widely used in science for many centuries, even millennia: these points ignore dimensions, shapes, and internal structures of bodies, assuming that there exist two or more absolutely identical physical objects. In other words, when thirty apples are weighed, they are reduced to the material points and only the difference in their masses is taken into account; fruits with the same mass are considered identical.
This definition also fails to explain what prompts a pedestrian on the way from point A to point B to suddenly turn to point C, dividing living matter from not.
In the presented Sequel of Einstein's theory of relativity an accumulation point is introduced to replace the material points: it substitutes any physical body in thinking and calculating, have molar mass and volume, is unique (there is nothing like this one), each consists of two parts (elements); the molar features, as well as taste, smell, color, etc., are understood to be manifestations of the body not being in its ideal state, as defectness of it; where the presence of the defect explains why the pedestrian changed his mind and turned to point C, uniting not living with living matter. The use of this point suggests that there are no thirty apples but only one.
The topic of accumulation points in physics, as well as their application to Einstein's theory of relativity (where Einstein stated that “velocities greater than that of light have ... no possibility of existence” [2]), and Poincaré's recurrence theorem (which asserts that certain dynamical systems will, after a sufficiently long but finite time, return to a state arbitrarily close to their initial state for continuous state systems or exactly the same for discrete state systems [2]) has never been considered, as well as the inclusion of living matter in physics: it is impossible to make references to literature or cite anyone.
Only that which, in many experiments under approximately similar conditions, yields almost identical results, exists in our Universe. This premise serves as the foundation.
Accumulation Point.
Traditionally, the following definition is given: an accumulation point of a set M — the point x of the topological space X ⊃ M, where any neighborhood of x contains an infinite number of points from M [1]. The same definition, being modified: point x has molar mass and volume (“space X") and contains the entire our Universe ("space M”).
Thus, there is only one accumulation point and is all the Universe.
Molar Mass and Volume.
A mole is an artificial quantity used to simplify calculations, such as the amount of substance that contains as many smallest particles as there are in 12 grams of one of the isotopes of carbon — C12. For all chemical substances, this quantity is the same and represents Avogadro's number, which is the number of molecules, ions, or other smallest particles in 1 mole of a substance [2].
This is the only axiom used:
— There are always two parts in any body.
For instance, an apple can always be divided into two parts.
The Standard Model and Minimal Particle.
The hypothesis that a photon has no mass (and, of course, no molar volume) is of interest in the Standard Model [2] for the Continuation; where the special theory of relativity assumes so because photons travel at the speed of light. The building blocks of our Universe are decided to be these photons: indeed, something with less mass (or molar mass) than none cannot be; where light and the photons are taken as one and the same.
The flashlight experiment.
Seeing the light emitted by a flashlight, a person makes the emitted photons parts of his eye: the absence of mass (and molar characteristics) is converted into an accumulation point. Or a photocamera makes the same: the camera is one part and a photon another.
Hegel and LPM effect.
The absence of any kind of mass and volume opposes the molar mass and volume, as nothing to something; about which Hegel said that negation of negation signifies the resolution of internal contradiction in the process of the development. Nothing of massless and without shape, which exists as an abstraction, transcends its limits; i.e., it begins to unfold through its internal contradiction and gets molar characteristics. Never light was observed unless it gets molar volume first.
Hegel’s negation is demonstrated by the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect [2], which initially was about is a reduction of the bremsstrahlung and pair production cross sections at high energies or high matter densities; but that has nothing to do with the purpose why LPM is mentioned here: it is taken to demonstrate the appearance and change of molar mass-volume which occurs upon entering the medium: nothing becomes something.
Subjects and objects.
A subject or any biological entity is the same accumulation point in thinking, which is formed from the same photons. For example, the article [3] says that when considering the pedestrian who, on the way from point A to point B, suddenly turns to point C, the cause for the decision is in the striving toward the "becoming better"; where "better" is the certain ratio of his molar mass and volume: there is no quantitative difference between objects and subjects, they are all the same.
Classic, Lagrangian, Quantum, etc mechanics.
In the Sequel distance between bodies does not exist, there is no velocity and acceleration, no potential or kinetic energy: there are neither Quantum, nor Classical, nor Lagrangian, nor any other mechanics [2], per se.
Space is understood as the molar volume of one accumulation oint, an orisphere in the spirit of Lobachevsky's geometry [1]; where this volume is a sphere with an infinitely increasing radius, which makes the orisphere unique and equal to the entire Universe.
Why an orisphere and not a field (for example, electromagnetic or magnetic)?
In physics it is a common statement that the strength of the magnetic field decreases with increasing external distance, which the Continuation changes to an increment in the internal molar volume; the distinction between both lies in the branch of Analytic Philosophy chosen.
External and Internal Relations theories of Analytic Philosophy.
The theory of external relations in Analytic Philosophy was more or less thoroughly developed by Bertrand Russell and George Moore at the beginning of 20th century [8], as the ideology of material points: the internal nature of bodies, through abstraction and subsequent reflection, is completely ignored, while two or more identical bodies exist. Or, in Leibniz's terminology [7]: there is a multitude of monads, which are palpable and given into experiments.
Since the Internal theory of Analytical Philosophy has not been formulated before, its foundation is laid down in this article: only one point of accumulation, as well as acknowledgment that monads are photons. The Internal was briefly mentioned by Bradley in the beginning of 20th century, as the opposition to Russell and Moore: “For a Thing without qualities is clearly not real. It is mere Being, or mere Nothing, according as you take it simply for what it is, or consider also that which it means to be. Such an abstraction is palpably of no use to us.” [5]. However, as the Sequel shows, it does.
Double-slit experiment.
In the experiment, a beam of monochromatic light is directed at an opaque screen shield with two parallel slits, behind which a projection screen is placed. The width of the slits is made as close as possible to the molar volumes of the orosphere of atoms of the material in which the slits are cut. A series of alternating interference fringes is obtained on the projection screen
The interference pattern appears on the screen when the width of the slits approaches the wavelength of the emitted monochromatic light. As the width of the slits is increased, the brightness of the screen increases, but the clarity of the interference pattern's minima and maxima decreases until it disappears.
The fact that the brightness and interference pattern change indicates that the walls of the slits, the atoms forming these walls affect both the brightness and the interference pattern, it proves that photons are exclusively particles and that quantum physics is untenable.
Diffraction is the bending of photons as particles around the corners of an obstacle into the region of geometrical shadow of the obstacle. The Continuation claims that the reason for the deviation of the propagation of photons from a straight line is their interaction with the constituents of the obstructing material (atoms, electrons, etc). This is another reason why the dualism of quantum physics is wrong.
In the Continuation there is no relativity because there are only two parts of one object or subject. Therefore, Einstein's ideas continue to triumph further, but without relativity.
Coordinate system.
There is only one coordinate system, called Egocentric [3]: two elements and time are taken into account. Everything else, which exists, is represented through a constant in the law for interaction.
String theory.
The Sequel accepts, adapting it to its own requirements, the fundamental concept of the string theory that there are strings and multi-universe [4], asserting that there is one kind of string below the accumulation point, which possesses distinct set of predicates (derived from the late Latin praedicatum, signifying the property that distinguishes an object): 1) a material point, plural, -2-brane; 2) a prolonged material point (string), plural, -1-brane; 3) the membrane, singular, 0-brane; 4) something as +1-brane (which causes radiation, for instance), 5) and so on.
Everything else from the theory of strings is ignored 1) because nothing has been proven experimentally, and mathematical speculations without experiments worth nothing, 2) a point of accumulation was not known before.
Uniqueness and Monadology.
Only photons are indistinguishable simply because they have neither mass or any shape, nor molar mass and volume. How can something be differentiated if it lacks everything?
The Leibniz question concerning the identity of indiscernibles [7] is answered: the indiscernible becomes unique if it got its molar volume.
The Law of Nature.
The Law of Nature is a transformed for the set theory ergodic Poincaré Recurrence Theorem:
— In a given molar volume there is always only such a number of photons.
This Law is proved by the existence of the periodic table of chemical elements, where each atom always has a fixed number of elements, in the same molar volume. For example, numerous attempts to artificially alter the number of elements in atoms, known as “initiation of thermonuclear reaction” have failed, because atoms actively resist.
An accumulation point is a continuous, the photons are discrete state systems.

Russell-Zermelo paradox.
Answering Russell's question: "Does the set of all contain itself as its element?", the Continuation answers: the "set of all" contains several (at least four and for sure much more) kinds of points, each of which has different sets of predicates and can transform to another. For example, the "barber's paradox":
Imagine a barber living in a certain village, who shaves all the villagers who do not shave themselves, and only them.
Does the barber shave himself?
Russell and Zermelo discovered the paradox during an era when atomic explosions had not yet occurred, during which a large number of photons (both with and without molar volume) are released; where these explosions represent the transition of a point of accumulation into material. Then, according to the Law of Nature, the emitted photons should eventually acquire their molar volumes back and form an accumulation point, already in the Minkowski space of material points. In such a scenario, the barber may return from oblivion already "shaven," beginning to shave those who cannot do it themselves. This is the highly unusual resolution to the Russell and Zermelo paradox, a probabilistic one but still probable, while there is none other.
Conservation law.
The law of conservation in physics [2] is a principle that states that a certain physical property (i.e., a measurable quantity) does not change over time inside an isolated physical system.
This law is represented as a constant in the reformulation of Newton's, Coulomb's, and Ampere's laws below, where the number of all kinds of points remains constant while there are transitions from one kind to another.
A laser [2] is a device that converts pumping energy (light, electrical, thermal, chemical, etc.) into energy of a coherent radiation flux, photons (sometimes without, sometimes with molar volume (the rentgen photons, for instance)). Consequently, we have experimental evidence that an accumulation point (of different nature) can lose its molar volume: the Russell’s barber can indeed turn into nothing and come back, even alive thanks to +1-brane perhaps, theoretically.
Niels Bohr.
Bohr postulated [2] that electrons are in quantized energy states where they can emit or absorb photons. Bohr also argued that an atom can be in a special stationary quantum state, in which the atom does not emit electromagnetic waves.
The Sequel takes Bohr’s idea adopting and changing it: there is a state when an accumulation point contains all its elements, which leads to the termination of its existence and becoming nothing. Aka a nuclear explosion. As Hegel said…
The Postulates.
The Postulate 1, or Einstein's principle of relativity [2], says:
- The laws of nature are the same in all coordinate systems, moving in a straight line and uniformly relative to each other.
The laws mentioned in passing by Einstein are concretized in the Postulate I of the Sequel:
- The number of elements in a given molar volume is constant.
Postulate II in the Continuation:
- The time of inclusion of a photon in any set is the minimum possible.
Einstein, in his Postulate 2, said the same thing, but from another perspective:
- The speed of light in a vacuum is the same in all coordinate systems, moving in a straight line and uniformly relative to each other.
Indeed, if the speed of movement is maximum, then the time of interaction with something is minimal; where time is measured in the standard units: hours, minutes, seconds, etc.
Time Standard.
There is an absolute standard of time and there is no need to think how to synchronize many clocks.
The rejection of geometry occurs for a purely formal reason: there is no one, literally not a single material point through which it is possible to draw a straight line.
There is only one natural number, 0 = 1, where 0 becomes 1 and vice versa. See below. No arithmetic operations on a single number are possible, and the axioms of Giuseppe Peano have no place in the world of 0-brane.
Newton, Coulomb, and Ampere.
The Newtonian [2] equation for the universal gravitational interaction of two bodies utilizes the distance between their centers of mass and the constant G as the gravitational constant.
Coulomb's law [2] is an experimental law of physics that calculates the force between two electrically charged particles at rest. The law states that the magnitude of the attractive or repulsive electrostatic force between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, and there exists a constant.
Ampere's law [2] also asserts that the magnetic force per unit length between two straight parallel conductors is proportional to the distance between them, and there is a constant. (These two parallel are seen as parts.)
A formula of interaction for two elements of one and a constant is established; where motion is replaced by harmonic functions:

m1 and l1 are one molar mass and volume of one part,
m2 and l 2 are the second part’s molar characteristics,
dm and dl are the increments of these characteristics,
the ratio of M and L forms a constant, which characterizes the number of all other both existing (in the Universe) and not points; in some sense the constantly changing constant represent what is called “dark matter”, plus all the existing matter; this constant says that the Universe is quantitatively finite,
F is the force of interaction,
t is time,
the natural number 0 = 1 signifies the beginning and end, that is the moment when the increments cease to exist and only one predicate left, the "collapse" of the function occurs and 1 becomes 0,
tr is one of the trigonometric functions cos, sin, sec and cosec, where the presence of the functions is an argument in favor of the layers of density existence (below).
The formula says that there is always a tendency of a body to be in a stationary state (the third Newton law, below).
More Practice.
After the number and direction for the force is calculated, a three-dimensional space and time (Minkowski space) is used: the centers of two elements are connected by a chord with cut ends, a vector, directed from one part to another, is constructed. For example, the vector for the Earth, when interacting with the Moon, is built along the chord (not a line or its segment).
The transition to Minkowski space returns to a world where many material points substitute bodies.
Noether's theorem.
Noether's theorem [2] states that every continuous symmetry of the action of a physical system with conservative forces has a corresponding conservation law. However no symmetry if there is only one accumulation point! To what uniqueness can be similar? And the force only one.
Quantum physics.
Quantum physics is a mistake because it 1) ignores molar volumes, 2) deals with dualism, interprets dual slits and diffraction wrongly, 3) there is no an ultimate solution even for three, not for four or a thousand, bodies problem. (The three-body problem is the problem of taking the initial positions and velocities of three material points and solving for their subsequent motion according to Newton's laws and Newton's law of universal gravitation. The three-body problem is a special case of the n-body problem.)
Density layer.
From the formula follows the presence of density layers, where each layer, in its certain volume, has a strict number of photons in it. For example, the orbit of an electron in its atom is a layer, as a planetary orbit in its planetary system. But if the molar characteristics are in “short supply” — for example, there are not enough photons quantitatively or molar volume — then this accumulation point is not formed: humans do not have layers, as well as trees, meteorites, etc.
1. The density of a body is calculated as the ratio of either its molar mass/ quantity of photons to molar volume, or its molar volume to mass/ quantity, which follows from the fact that gasses and metals exist in the periodic table: for the gasses their density is the ratio of their molar mass to volume, and metals vice versa.
2. The existence of so-called "black holes" in astronomy is evidence that the above density is both the ratio of volume to mass and mass to volume: for stars, apparently, this density is volume to mass, for black holes it is mass to volume.
3. The number of elements in the layers depends on the radius from the layer to the center of its orisphere; which, for example, is proved by the difference in pressure at a depth of 10 km in the Earth, at sea level and altitude of 1.000 km.

Archimedes law.
Archimedes’ law [2] says that a body immersed in a liquid or gas is affected by a buoyant force numerically equal to the weight of the volume of liquid or gas displaced by the body. Therefore, the gravel flying out from under the car’s wheels, is pushed out of the density layer in which it was in an equilibrium-stationary state, under the influence of its molar characteristics increment increase, rising into the density layer where its internal parameters again correspond to the stationary state. After which all comes back to equilibrium.
Hafele and Keating [2] circled the globe twice, first traveling eastward and then westward, with four sets of cesium atomic clocks. They then compared the "traveling" clocks with identical clocks that remained at the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO), as part of an experiment intended to test the theory of relativity. Since then, after Hafele-Keating, it was believed that Einstein's theory was proven; indeed, but not in the way Hafele and Keating thought.
The Continuation claims that the Hafele-Keating experiment unequivocally proves that density layers are real. For instance, the four atomic clocks at an altitude of 10 km become, at their hardware level, different by the number of photons from one left at sea level, which is obvious from the indication of different times depending on the layer. The same happens with GPS: there is no change in time due to the radius to the center of the Earth, but there are less photons in the layers.
Photons are not atoms or molecules, nor muons or electrons; they are held within atoms, for instance, of clocks in Hafele-Keating on 10km, which demonstrate double-slit and diffraction experiments.
Perihelion of Mercury.
Mercury [2] deviates from the calculated base on Newton’s law of gravitation precession, where it was first recognized in the mid-19th century as a problem of celestial mechanics and still plays an exceptional role in Physics. Einstein developed the general theory of relativity, where the equations predicted precisely the value that was actually observed.
The Continuation explains why such a displacement occurs, without objecting Einstein’s result a bit: when the number of elements, in the molar volume of Mercury, exceeds its stationary, since particles are obtained from the solar wind and photons from the Sun, then Mercury changes its orbit to get rid of the excess by emitting. After the surplus is gone, Mercury receives a stationary ratio of molar characteristics back, and returns to the old orbit.

Corona of the Sun and the Earth clouds.
The corona [2], in astronomy, is the outermost layer of a star's atmosphere, consisting of plasma. The Sun's corona is located above the chromosphere and extends for millions of kilometers into outer space, floating above, while the Earth's clouds are an airborne product of water vapor condensation in the atmosphere, also hovering beneath the surface. The corona and clouds serve as another evidence of the existence of density layers; they explain why billions and trillions of tons can float, while there is no other explanation of these phenomena in astronomy and physics.
The quantum entanglement.
Quantum entanglement [2] is traditionally described as a phenomenon that occurs when particles interact in such a way that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the state of the other, when the particles are separated by a very large distance. However, this presupposes the existence of a detached observer and encounters problems with three or more bodies, where the observer becomes the third. Or three hundred and ten. In this context, both Einstein and Bohr were wrong, or rather both were right, at the Fifth Solvay Congress in 1927: the Moon exists only interacting (as a second part) and it exists always, represented through the constant in the law of interaction.
The displacement current.
Or the displacement current [2] when the current in the capacitor exists despite the open circuit, without any medium between its plates: changes in the atom on one of the plates lead to the appearance of current in the atom beyond the break in the circ
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5277
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 10 мар 24 19:56
С энтузиазмом приступив к изучению физики много-много лет назад я не представлял себе насколько физика есть надувательство и обман. Действительно, физика основана на использовании материальных точек, как обладающих массой тел, размерами, формой, вращением и внутренней структурой которых можно пренебречь в условиях исследуемой задачи.
При этом никто не знает что такое масса. Действительно, будучи тесно связанной с такими понятиями механики, как «энергия» и «импульс», масса проявляется в природе двумя качественно разными способами, что даёт основания для подразделения её на две разновидности:
— инертная масса характеризует инертность тел и фигурирует в выражении второго закона Ньютона: если заданная сила в инерциальной системе отсчёта одинаково ускоряет различные тела, им приписывают одинаковую инертную массу;
— гравитационная масса (пассивная и активная) показывает, с какой силой тело взаимодействует с внешними полями тяготения[3] и какое гравитационное поле создаёт само это тело[4], она входит в закон всемирного тяготения и положена в основу измерения массы взвешиванием.

Значит в основе физики лежит нечто никоим образом не определённое. Как можно что-то делать когда основа гнилая?

Поэтому я ввёл в физику новый класс точек, см мою статью выше.

Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5277
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 11 мар 24 3:31
Размышляя о природе и строя выводы человек строит модель реальности. Есть различные варианты как такая модель строится, но так ли иначе она привязана к опытам.
В основе моей модели лежит новая интерпретация двущелевого, а именно учет того что если ширину прорезей увеличивать, то освещённость экрана будет возрастать, но выраженность минимумов и максимумов интерференционной картины будет падать вплоть до полного её исчезновения. То есть стенки щелей влияют на интерференционную картину.
А потом дифракционные опыты, как явление огибания волнами препятствий , в широком смысле любое отклонение от законов геометрической оптики при распространении волн, что также говорит о том что препятствие влияет на конечный эффект.
Тогда можно полностью отказаться от предположения о волновой природе света, волновой природе фотона, что приводит к мгновенному обрушению всего здания Квантовой физики.
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5277
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 11 мар 24 11:00
For the first time in history physics has become a science, as abstract material points with undefined mass have been replaced by the quantitative measure of Avogadro's number. The replacement of these points has led to the experimental confirmation of Einstein's thesis that there are no velocities exceeding the speed of light.
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5277
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 12 мар 24 12:24
Физика отныне наука. Действительно, нет даже определения того что такое масса! К примеру говорится что:
Будучи тесно связанной с такими понятиями механики, как «энергия» и «импульс», масса проявляется в природе двумя качественно разными способами, что даёт основания для подразделения её на две разновидности:
инертная масса характеризует инертность тел и фигурирует в выражении второго закона Ньютона: если заданная сила в инерциальной системе отсчёта одинаково ускоряет различные тела, им приписывают одинаковую инертную массу;
гравитационная масса (пассивная и активная) показывает, с какой силой тело взаимодействует с внешними полями тяготения[3] и какое гравитационное поле создаёт само это тело[4], она входит в закон всемирного тяготения и положена в основу измерения массы взвешиванием.
Следовательно определения того что такое основное понятие в физике нет. А я ввел в физику число Авогадро, молярную массу и объём, через замену материальных на единственную точку накопления.

Я велик! Куда бы я не ступил я всё меняю.
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5277
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 15 мар 24 14:15
A continuation of Einstein's theory of relativity

The results of double slits and diffraction experiments have been re-examined: photons are exclusively particles without any wave properties. Using molar mass and volume, a single accumulation point has been proposed instead of multiple material points. Changes have been made to Einstein's theory of relativity and Poincaré's recurrence theorem; Russell's paradox is resolved. A unified formula for the interaction for two components of one entity is derived, by modifying Newton's law of universal gravitation, Coulomb's and Ampere's laws; the essence of the constant is clarified. Newton's three laws and Maxwell's equations are rewritten. The results of experiments on displacement current, perihelion of Mercury, corona of the Sun, Earth's clouds, and Hafele-Keating experiment have been re-examined. 
The fallacy of quantum physics is demonstrated: no dualism of photon, Copenhagen interpretation is wrong, Noether's theorem and Schrödinger's equation are errors.

Material points, as abstractions possessing only mass and replacing physical bodies in the study of nature and calculating, have been widely used in science for many centuries, even millennia: these points ignore dimensions, shapes, and internal structures of bodies, assuming that there exist two or more absolutely identical physical objects. In other words, when thirty apples are weighed, they are reduced to the material points and only the difference in their masses is taken into account; fruits with the same mass are considered identical.
This definition also fails to explain what prompts a pedestrian on the way from point A to point B to suddenly turn to point C, dividing living matter from not.
In the presented Sequel of Einstein's theory of relativity an accumulation point is introduced to replace the material points: it substitutes any physical body in thinking and calculating, have molar mass and volume, is unique (there is nothing like this one), each consists of two parts (elements); the molar features, as well as taste, smell, color, etc., are understood to be manifestations of the body not being in its ideal state, as defectness of it; where the presence of the defect explains why the pedestrian changed his mind and turned to point C, uniting not living with living matter. The use of this point suggests that there are no thirty apples but only one.
The topic of accumulation points in physics, as well as their application to Einstein's theory of relativity (where Einstein stated that “velocities greater than that of light have ... no possibility of existence” [2]), and Poincaré's recurrence theorem (which asserts that certain dynamical systems will, after a sufficiently long but finite time, return to a state arbitrarily close to their initial state for continuous state systems or exactly the same for discrete state systems [2]) has never been considered, as well as the inclusion of living matter in physics: it is impossible to make references to literature or cite anyone.
Only that which, in many experiments under approximately similar conditions, yields almost identical results, exists in our Universe. This premise serves as the foundation.
Accumulation Point.
Traditionally, the following definition is given: an accumulation point of a set M — the point x of the topological space X ⊃ M, where any neighborhood of x contains an infinite number of points from M [1]. The same definition, being modified: point x has molar mass and volume (“space X") and contains the entire our Universe ("space M”). 
Thus, there is only one accumulation point and is all the Universe.
Molar Mass and Volume.
A mole is an artificial quantity used to simplify calculations, such as the amount of substance that contains as many smallest particles as there are in 12 grams of one of the isotopes of carbon — C12. For all chemical substances, this quantity is the same and represents Avogadro's number, which is the number of molecules, ions, or other smallest particles in 1 mole of a substance [2].
The Sequel is a quantitative theory that operates with the quantity of elements, where their defects make them existent.
This is the only axiom used:
— There are always two parts in any body.
For instance, an apple can always be divided into two parts.
The Standard Model and Minimal Particle.
The hypothesis that a photon has no mass (and, of course, no molar volume) is of interest in the Standard Model [2] for the Continuation; where the special theory of relativity assumes so because photons travel at the speed of light. The building blocks of our Universe are decided to be these photons: indeed, something with less mass (or molar mass) than none cannot be; where light and the photons are taken as one and the same.
The flashlight experiment.
Seeing the light emitted by a flashlight, a person makes the emitted photons parts of his eye: the absence of mass (and molar characteristics) is converted into an accumulation point. Or a photocamera makes the same: the camera is one part and a photon another.
Hegel and LPM effect.
The absence of any kind of mass and volume opposes the molar mass and volume, as nothing to something; about which Hegel said that negation of negation signifies the resolution of internal contradiction in the process of the development. Nothing of massless and without shape, which exists as an abstraction, transcends its limits; i.e., it begins to unfold through its internal contradiction and gets molar characteristics. Never light was observed unless it gets molar volume first.
Hegel’s negation is demonstrated by the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect [2], which initially was about is a reduction of the bremsstrahlung and pair production cross sections at high energies or high matter densities; but that has nothing to do with the purpose why LPM is mentioned here: it is taken to demonstrate the appearance and change of molar mass-volume which occurs upon entering the medium: nothing becomes something.
Subjects and objects.
A subject or any biological entity is the same accumulation point in thinking, which is formed from the same photons. For example, the article [3] says that when considering the pedestrian who, on the way from point A to point B, suddenly turns to point C, the cause for the decision is in the striving toward the "becoming better"; where "better" is the certain ratio of his molar mass and volume: there is no quantitative difference between objects and subjects, they are all the same.
Classic, Lagrangian, Quantum, etc mechanics.
In the Sequel distance between bodies does not exist, there is no velocity and acceleration, no potential or kinetic energy: there are neither Quantum, nor Classical, nor Lagrangian, nor any other mechanics [2], per se.
Space is understood as the molar volume of one accumulation oint, an orisphere in the spirit of Lobachevsky's geometry [1]; where this volume is a sphere with an infinitely increasing radius, which makes the orisphere unique and equal to the entire Universe.
Why an orisphere and not a field (for example, electromagnetic or magnetic)?
In physics it is a common statement that the strength of the magnetic field decreases with increasing external distance, which the Continuation changes to an increment in the internal molar volume; the distinction between both lies in the branch of Analytic Philosophy chosen. 
External and Internal Relations theories of Analytic Philosophy.
The theory of external relations in Analytic Philosophy was more or less thoroughly developed by Bertrand Russell and George Moore at the beginning of 20th century [8], as the ideology of material points: the internal nature of bodies, through abstraction and subsequent reflection, is completely ignored, while two or more identical bodies exist. Or, in Leibniz's terminology [7]: there is a multitude of monads, which are palpable and given into experiments. 
Since the Internal theory of Analytical Philosophy has not been formulated before, its foundation is laid down in this article: only one point of accumulation, as well as acknowledgment that monads are photons. The Internal was briefly mentioned by Bradley in the beginning of 20th century, as the opposition to Russell and Moore: “For a Thing without qualities is clearly not real. It is mere Being, or mere Nothing, according as you take it simply for what it is, or consider also that which it means to be. Such an abstraction is palpably of no use to us.” [5]. However, as the Sequel shows, it does.
Double-slit experiment.
In the experiment, a beam of monochromatic light is directed at an opaque screen shield with two parallel slits, behind which a projection screen is placed. The width of the slits is made as close as possible to the molar volumes of the orosphere of atoms of the material in which the slits are cut. A series of alternating interference fringes is obtained on the projection screen
The interference pattern appears on the screen when the width of the slits approaches the wavelength of the emitted monochromatic light. As the width of the slits is increased, the brightness of the screen increases, but the clarity of the interference pattern's minima and maxima decreases until it disappears.
The fact that the brightness and interference pattern change indicates that the walls of the slits, the atoms forming these walls affect both the brightness and the interference pattern, it proves that photons are exclusively particles and that quantum physics is untenable.
Diffraction is the bending of photons as particles around the corners of an obstacle into the region of geometrical shadow of the obstacle. The Continuation claims that the reason for the deviation of the propagation of photons from a straight line is their interaction with the constituents of the obstructing material (atoms, electrons, etc). This is another reason why the dualism of quantum physics is wrong. 
In the Continuation there is no relativity because there are only two parts of one object or subject. Therefore, Einstein's ideas continue to triumph further, but without relativity.
Coordinate system.
There is only one coordinate system, called Egocentric [3]: two elements and time are taken into account. Everything else, which exists, is represented through a constant in the law for interaction.
String theory.
The Sequel accepts, adapting it to its own requirements, the fundamental concept of the string theory that there are strings and multi-universe [4], asserting that there is one kind of string below the accumulation point, which possesses distinct set of predicates (derived from the late Latin praedicatum, signifying the property that distinguishes an object): 1) a material point, plural, -2-brane; 2) a prolonged material point (string), plural, -1-brane; 3) the membrane, singular, 0-brane; 4) something as +1-brane (which causes radiation, for instance), 5) and so on.
Everything else from the theory of strings is ignored 1) because nothing has been proven experimentally, and mathematical speculations without experiments worth nothing, 2) a point of accumulation was not known before.
Uniqueness and Monadology.
Only photons are indistinguishable simply because they have neither mass or any shape, nor molar mass and volume. How can something be differentiated if it lacks everything?
The Leibniz question concerning the identity of indiscernibles [7] is answered: the indiscernible becomes unique if it got its molar volume.
The Law of Nature.
The Law of Nature is a transformed for the set theory ergodic Poincaré Recurrence Theorem:
— In a given molar volume there is always only such a number of photons.
This Law is proved by the existence of the periodic table of chemical elements, where each atom always has a fixed number of elements, in the same molar volume. For example, numerous attempts to artificially alter the number of elements in atoms, known as “initiation of thermonuclear reaction” have failed, because atoms actively resist.
An accumulation point is a continuous, photons are discrete state systems.
Russell-Zermelo paradox.
Answering Russell's question: "Does the set of all contain itself as its element?", the Continuation answers: the "set of all" contains several (at least four and for sure much more) kinds of points, each of which has different sets of predicates and can transform to another. For example, the "barber's paradox":
Imagine a barber living in a certain village, who shaves all the villagers who do not shave themselves, and only them.
Does the barber shave himself?
Russell and Zermelo discovered the paradox during an era when atomic explosions had not yet occurred, during which a large number of photons (both with and without molar volume) are released; where these explosions represent the transition of a point of accumulation into material. Then, according to the Law of Nature, the emitted photons should eventually acquire their molar volumes back and form an accumulation point, already in the Minkowski space of material points. In such a scenario, the barber may return from oblivion already "shaven," beginning to shave those who cannot do it themselves. This is the highly unusual resolution to the Russell and Zermelo paradox, a probabilistic one but still probable, while there is none other.
Conservation law.
The law of conservation in physics [2] is a principle that states that a certain physical property (i.e., a measurable quantity) does not change over time inside an isolated physical system.
This law is represented as a constant in the reformulation of Newton's, Coulomb's, and Ampere's laws below, where the number of all kinds of points remains constant while there are transitions from one kind to another.
A laser [2] is a device that converts pumping energy (light, electrical, thermal, chemical, etc.) into energy of a coherent radiation flux, photons (sometimes without, sometimes with molar volume (the rentgen photons, for instance)). Consequently, we have experimental evidence that an accumulation point (of different nature) can lose its molar volume: the Russell’s barber can indeed turn into nothing and come back, even alive thanks to +1-brane perhaps, theoretically.
Niels Bohr.
Bohr postulated [2] that electrons are in quantized energy states where they can emit or absorb photons. Bohr also argued that an atom can be in a special stationary quantum state, in which the atom does not emit electromagnetic waves.
The Sequel takes Bohr’s idea adopting and changing it: there is a state when an accumulation point contains all its elements, which leads to the termination of its existence and becoming nothing. Aka a nuclear explosion. As Hegel said…
The Postulates.
The Postulate 1, or Einstein's principle of relativity [2], says:
- The laws of nature are the same in all coordinate systems, moving in a straight line and uniformly relative to each other.
The laws mentioned in passing by Einstein are concretized in the Postulate I of the Sequel:
- The number of elements in a given molar volume is constant.  
Postulate II in the Continuation:
- The time of inclusion of a photon in any set is the minimum possible.
Einstein, in his Postulate 2, said the same thing, but from another perspective:
- The speed of light in a vacuum is the same in all coordinate systems, moving in a straight line and uniformly relative to each other.
Indeed, if the speed of movement is maximum, then the time of interaction with something is minimal; where time is measured in the standard units: hours, minutes, seconds, etc.
Time Standard.
There is an absolute standard of time and there is no need to think how to synchronize many clocks.
Expansion of the Universe.
The expansion of the Universe is a phenomenon consisting of the expansion of cosmic space on the scales of the entire Universe, inferred through the observed cosmological redshift from Earth. Such expansion is an expression of the tendency towards restoring the necessary quantity of elements (molar mass) within the molar volume of the Universe. Thus, Postulate I is proved by the presence of redshift.
The rejection of geometry occurs for a purely formal reason: there is no one, literally not a single material point through which it is possible to draw a straight line.
There is only one natural number, 0 = 1, where 0 becomes 1 and vice versa. See below. No arithmetic operations on a single number are possible, and the axioms of Giuseppe Peano have no place in the world of 0-brane.
Newton, Coulomb, and Ampere. 
The Newtonian [2] equation for the universal gravitational interaction of two bodies utilizes the distance between their centers of mass and the constant G as the gravitational constant.
Coulomb's law [2] is an experimental law of physics that calculates the force between two electrically charged particles at rest. The law states that the magnitude of the attractive or repulsive electrostatic force between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, and there exists a constant. 
Ampere's law [2] also asserts that the magnetic force per unit length between two straight parallel conductors is proportional to the distance between them, and there is a constant. (These two parallel are seen as parts.)
A formula of interaction for two elements of one and a constant is established; where motion is replaced by harmonic functions:

m1 and l1 are one molar mass and volume of one part,
m2 and l 2 are the second part’s molar characteristics,
dm and dl are the increments of these characteristics,
the ratio of M and L forms a constant, which characterizes the number of all other both existing (in the Universe) and not points; in some sense the constantly changing constant represent what is called “dark matter”, plus all the existing matter; this constant says that the Universe is quantitatively finite,
F is the force of interaction,  
t is time,
the natural number 0 = 1 signifies the beginning and end, that is the moment when the increments cease to exist and only one predicate left, the "collapse" of the function occurs and 1 becomes 0,
tr is one of the trigonometric functions cos, sin, sec and cosec, where the presence of the functions is an argument in favor of the layers of density existence (below).
The formula says that there is always a tendency of a body to be in a stationary state (the third Newton law, below).
More Practice.
After the number and direction for the force is calculated, a three-dimensional space and time (Minkowski space) is used: the centers of two elements are connected by a chord with cut ends, a vector, directed from one part to another, is constructed. For example, the vector for the Earth, when interacting with the Moon, is built along the chord (not a line or its segment).
Transitioning to Minkowski space brings us back to a world where numerous material points replace bodies. For instance, to the word of the periodic table or the planet Mercury
Noether's theorem.
Noether's theorem [2] states that every continuous symmetry of the action of a physical system with conservative forces has a corresponding conservation law. However no symmetry if there is only one accumulation point! To what uniqueness can be similar? And the force only one. 
Quantum physics.
Quantum physics is a mistake because it 1) ignores molar volumes, 2) deals with dualism, interprets dual slits and diffraction wrongly, 3) there is no an ultimate solution even for three, not for four or a thousand, bodies problem. (The three-body problem is the problem of taking the initial positions and velocities of three material points and solving for their subsequent motion according to Newton's laws and Newton's law of universal gravitation. The three-body problem is a special case of the n-body problem.)
Density layer.
From the formula follows the presence of density layers, where each layer, in its certain volume, has a strict number of photons in it. For example, the orbit of an electron in its atom is a layer, as a planetary orbit in its planetary system. But if the molar characteristics are in “short supply” — for example, there are not enough photons quantitatively or molar volume — then this accumulation point is not formed: humans do not have layers, as well as trees, meteorites, etc.
1. The density of a body is calculated as the ratio of either its molar mass/ quantity of photons to molar volume, or its molar volume to mass/ quantity, which follows from the fact that gasses and metals exist in the periodic table: for the gasses their density is the ratio of their molar mass to volume, and metals vice versa.
2. The existence of so-called "black holes" in astronomy is evidence that the above density is both the ratio of volume to mass and mass to volume: for stars, apparently, this density is volume to mass, for black holes it is mass to volume.
3. The number of elements in the layers depends on the radius from the layer to the center of its orisphere; which, for example, is proved by the difference in pressure at a depth of 10 km in the Earth, at sea level and altitude of 1.000 km. 
Archimedes law.
Archimedes’ law [2] says that a body immersed in a liquid or gas is affected by a buoyant force numerically equal to the weight of the volume of liquid or gas displaced by the body. Therefore, the gravel flying out from under the car’s wheels, is pushed out of the density layer in which it was in an equilibrium-stationary state, under the influence of its molar characteristics increment increase, rising into the density layer where its internal parameters again correspond to the stationary state. After which all comes back to equilibrium.
Hafele and Keating [2] circled the globe twice, first traveling eastward and then westward, with four sets of cesium atomic clocks. They then compared the "traveling" clocks with identical clocks that remained at the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO), as part of an experiment intended to test the theory of relativity. Since then, after Hafele-Keating, it was believed that Einstein's theory was proven; indeed, but not in the way Hafele and Keating thought.
The Continuation claims that the Hafele-Keating experiment unequivocally proves that density layers are real. For instance, the four atomic clocks at an altitude of 10 km become, at their hardware level, different by the number of photons from one left at sea level, which is obvious from the indication of different times depending on the layer. The same happens with GPS: there is no change in time due to the radius to the center of the Earth, but there are less photons in the layers.
Photons are not atoms or molecules, nor muons or electrons; they are held within atoms, for instance, of clocks in Hafele-Keating on 10km, which demonstrate double-slit and diffraction experiments. 
Perihelion of Mercury.
Mercury [2] deviates from the calculated base on Newton’s law of gravitation precession, where it was first recognized in the mid-19th century as a problem of celestial mechanics and still plays an exceptional role in Physics. Einstein developed the general theory of relativity, where the equations predicted precisely the value that was actually observed. 
The Continuation explains why such a displacement occurs, without objecting Einstein’s result a bit: when the number of elements, in the molar volume of Mercury, exceeds its stationary, since particles are obtained from the solar wind and photons from the Sun, then Mercury changes its orbit to get rid of the excess by emitting. After the surplus is gone, Mercury receives a stationary ratio of molar characteristics back, and returns to the old orbit.
Corona of the Sun and the Earth clouds.
The corona [2], in astronomy, is the outermost layer of a star's atmosphere, consisting of plasma. The Sun's corona is located above the chromosphere and extends for millions of kilometers into outer space, floating above, while the Earth's clouds are an airborne product of water vapor condensation in the atmosphere, also hovering beneath the surface. The corona and clouds serve as another evidence of the existence of density layers; they explain why billions and trillions of tons can float, while there is no other explanation of these phenomena in astronomy and physics.
The quantum entanglement.
Quantum entanglement [2] is traditionally described as a phenomenon that occurs when particles interact in such a way that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the state of the other, when the particles are separated by a very large distance. However, this presupposes the existence of a detached observer and encounters problems with
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5277
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 15 мар 24 15:29
Вот так будет более понятно:

Speed of light. 
1. Any experiment is possible only in Minkowski space, when constructed a summarising vector for each body with all bodies in the Universe without exception, according to the formula proposed above. If this is not done, then any experiment involves an assumption, some approximation and, therefore, an error.
2. In a double-slit (or soap bubbles, or any other experiment on diffraction and interference), under the influence of light (the standard Einstein photoelectric effect), an atom at the edge of the slits (or in the walls of bubbles, or in any obstacle on the path of light for diffraction) changes its molar characteristics.
3. This leads to the emergence of an interaction force. 
4. Under the influence of this force, the atom captures a passing photon (if it is defective) or if it moved in the direction toward it, the receipt of which contributes to the reduction of increments and the restoration of its stationary state (Bohr).
5. The captured photon is integrated into electrons or nucleons before it is emitted, as almost coherent to what it was before.
6. Coherent photon emission does not occur immediately but with some delay, which manifests itself in the formation of dark and light fringes in interference patterns, or diffraction bending.
7. The fact of observing interference fringes (almost constant for the same material), as well as the fact that the angle of deviation of the light beam in the geometric shadow is also almost constant for the same material, indicates that there will be neither fringes nor deviation if there are no spins for the electrons and nucleons. This means that there is the minimum possible time delay and, therefore, the maximum possible speed of light, since the interference pattern and the angle of deviation are constant, and it is evident that there is a material for which the distances between the fringes and the angle are minimally possible. 
In layman's terms: it cannot happen that there are no fringes in interference experiments or that there is no angle of deviation of the light beam into the geometric shadow into differential experiments. Therefore, there is a minimum time interval for coherent emission, a maximum possible speed of light.
Einstein's minimum for the time of inclusion for light is experimentally proven by interference and diffraction.
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5277
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 15 мар 24 16:49
Первое в истории доказательство того что скорость света максимальная возможная и того что Эйнштейн был прав. Первое!
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5277
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 16 мар 24 16:19
Скоты из Пентагона зарубили самую передовую теорию в физике:
Einstein's formula.
Einstein's formula, which relates energy to the mass of an object (and never subject), as well as its velocity and the speed of light, loses its meaning in the sequel from a purely formal point of view, since it does not take into account the molar volume of the object (and subject).
Also, there are several different definitions of mass. For example:
Inertial mass measures an object's resistance to acceleration with the formula F = ma.
Active gravitational mass determines the intensity of the gravitational field created by an object.
Passive gravitational mass measures the gravitational force acting on an object in a known gravitational field.
Which one is used in Einstein’s formula?
In the Sequel this formula means that instead of the speed of light the standard time should be used.
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5277
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 17 мар 24 13:49
Изменено: 17 мар 24 13:50
Все меня гонят, в частности за то что я доказал опытами что скорость света это наибольшая возможная, за то что я опытами доказал Постулат 2 Эйнштейна:

Speed of light.
In a double-slit (or soap bubbles, or any other experiment on diffraction and interference), under the influence of light (the standard Einstein photoelectric effect), an atom at the edge of the slits (or in the walls of bubbles, or in any obstacle on the path of light for diffraction) changes its molar characteristics.
This leads to the emergence of an interaction force.
Under the influence of this force, the atom captures a passing photon, the receipt of which contributes to the reduction of increments and the restoration of its stationary state (Bohr).
The captured photon is integrated into electrons or nucleons before it is emitted.
Coherent (see how laser works) photon emission does not occur immediately but with some delay, which manifests itself in the formation of dark and light fringes in interference patterns, or diffraction bending (transition to Minkowski).
The fact of observing interference stripes (constant for the same material), as well as the fact that the angle of deviation of the light beam in the geometric shadow is also constant for the same material, indicates that there will be no stripes or deviation if there are no spins for the electron and nucleons. Just as there will be no time delay if there are no spins: there is the minimum possible time delay and, therefore, the maximum possible speed of light.
Einstein's speed of light is experimentally proven by interference and diffraction.

Правда обрушил всю Квантовую физику.

Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5277
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 18 мар 24 6:49
Доказал что фотон это частица безо всяких волновых свойств.
Влияние ширины щелей
Интерференционная картина возникает на экране, когда ширина щелей приближается к длине волны излучаемого монохроматического света. Если ширину прорезей увеличивать, то освещённость экрана будет возрастать, но выраженность минимумов и максимумов интерференционной картины будет падать вплоть до полного её исчезновения.
Очевидно что на интерференцию влияют атомы материала стенок щелей. Значит причина появления Квантовой физики в неправильной интерпретации опыта Юнга. Как только я обратил внимание на то что картина меняется при увеличении ширины прорезей более чем 100 лет развития физики исчезли. Пуф! И нет Квантовой физики.
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