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Тема: Ai Drew :: IJCAI 2009 :: Междунар. Ии конфа: лето-2009 - о ГЛАВНОМ
Сообщений: 4179
Ai Drew :: IJCAI 2009 :: Междунар. Ии конфа: лето-2009 - о ГЛАВНОМ
Добавлено: 20 авг 09 5:02
2 ALL-ALL :: Собственно вся моя жизнь в ИИ прошла под звездой, восходящей каждые 2 года где-то 21 августа.. IJCAI-1977 (IJCAI-77) была переломной в жизни мирового ии-сообщеста, возвестив о Японском Нац Проекте и о Амеро-Британcком ассиметричном ответе..
Поскольку предложение почитать-поАннотровать
вместе с Абразцом - мягко проигнорировано.. Обойдусь Школой АйБоллида и тамошних пост-доков.. Собственно, первоначально - ограничусь заказными оффициозными докладами, к-е образуют скелет конференции.. и по-идее.. должны отображать достигнутый мировой уровень.. Если увижу толк - закажу пару Сидюшек со всеми имеющимися текстами.. Разжовывать некогда, и мои частные оценки прошу не принимать близко к мозгу..
=== топег о Главном =============>>>
IJCAI is the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, the main international gathering of researchers in AI. Held biennially in odd-numbered years since 1969, IJCAI is sponsored jointly by IJCAI and the national AI societie(s) of the host nation(s).
PS: IJCAI-09 (IJCAI-2009) was held in Pasadena, California, USA, from 11th July through 17th July 2009. IJCAI-09 Online Proceedings:
Я попытался совместить интересы Студентов-читателей, наших постоянных Песателей-трибунов, Админов, и Доброго др. АйБолида - покровителя Ии-Рунета. Первые 20 страничек - тупое перечисление кратких тезисов докладов, в порядке возрастания страниц. Эти абстракты (на простом английском языке) и будут сопровождаться ссылками к
полным текстам
.. на языке оригинала.
Вторая часть топега будет обсуждением избранных статей.. всего их ~180 и большинство - врядли Эпохальшина, но скорее плановый довесок к авторским/аспирантским диссерам.
Взыскующий разобраться по-глубже - цитируе абстракт заинтересовшего его-её доклада и стартует микро-обсужданс, надeясь найти собеседников.. Я постараюсь помочь старту.. И беру на себя труд перекопировать вменяемые посты с образовавшимися русскими переводами - в Первую (справочную) часть Топега.. на соответствующую страницу..
По-моему - всё ясно и честно.. сам я почивать на лаврах торик-стартера не собираюсь - планирую отреферipовать и представить во Вторую половину ==> не менее четверти Общего вклада!
========================== - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ====================
PART 0: I N V I T E D - T A L K S:
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS): New Challenges and Directions
Cristina Conati
==> Can we devise educational systems that provide individualized instruction tailored to the needs of the individual learners, as many good teachers do? Intelligent Tutoring Systems is the interdisciplinary field that investigates this question by integrating research in Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science and Education. Research in this field has successfully delivered techniques and systems that provide adaptive support for student problem solving in variety of domains. There are, however, other educational activities that can benefit from individualized computer-based support, such as studying examples, exploring interactive simulations and playing educational games. Providing individualized support for these activities rises unique challenges, because it requires that an ITS can model and adapt to student behaviors, skills and mental states often not as structured and well-defined as those involved in traditional problem solving. I will present a variety of projects that illustrate some of these challenges, our proposed solutions, and future opportunities.
from Drew (вольно-переведенный абстрактa & some comments): Индивиндуальный подход к
каждому студенту
- потребность любого продвинутого общества.. но хороших педагогов приемлимой стимости - на всех не напaсешься! Адаптивные Интеллектуальные Обучающие Системы - (Intelligent Tutoring System ==>
) - щадящий выход бюджетного образования.. на стыке Ии, Когнитивных и Педогогических наук. Искомая адаптивность к обучаемoму уже продемонстрирована для многих областей знаний.. и сейчас уже имеются результаты и намётки для менее традицинных путей - обучение на примерах, интерактивные иммитаторы и обучающие игры.. Докладчица рассматривает примеры всех имеющихся типов.. PS: саму статью пока не читал - не уверен во-взрослости наличиствующего контенгента или о присутствии в Харьковах-Свердловсках - чего-либо сложнее Доски с мелом.. В Штатах это весьма широкое и прибыльное направление - ибо очное обучение многим не по карману.. А уровень обучающих/ся - различается в-разы! - за счет частных школ, к-е дают фору на всю оставшуюся жизнь.. Конечно вокруг этого дела чудовищно много выбегал.. И ии там часто и не пахнет.. Но допусти меня до этой кормушки - и Экспертые Системы и Распозновани речи - пропесал бы как доктор.. А допустили бы к телу Обамы - предложил бы вместо Тысяч !!! Обучалок - РЯД из 10-12 Шелл-систем - покрывающих 75-95% обучальства.. Типа настраеваемая по результатам ОНТОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ Модель Студента и Сменная Онтология чему учиться.. География.. или История.. PPS: инвайтед-доклад - обзор! проблемы интеллектуального обучанса - с примерами от прикормленных профессоров.. этот Ии-обучанс прет как на дрожжах.. и поскольку стандартов нет - выбегаллы резвятся вовсю. Самый крутой проэкт ==> у Локхида - тренажер-иммитатор Группового боя с дюжинкой Мигов.. с пониманием Оея-речи и не-менее Шахматного - стратег-такт интеллекта - B Южном НьюДжерси - и - полигон в Аризоне
PPS: Собственно 5 стр текста с литературой и заключением - Учиться, учиться ии-Учиться.. оказались недостаточными для сильного углубления Моей и Авторской аннотаций.. Отделяются низменные CAI/CAE от ITS, к-я трактуется как полноценный ИИ, снабженный Базой Знаний о Предмете изучаемого, и База Знаний о ученике и его успехах в познании предмета.. Автор не чурается мета-когнитивной терминологии (thinking about thinking), но и весьма шустер в ии-словечках.. (Artificial Agents, Reasoning..). Видимо имеется и 20 страничная версия доклада, или форумец - автор неосторожно дает мыло..
PART 0: I N V I T E D - T A L K S:
Machine Learning in Ecosystem Informatics and Sustainability
Thomas G. Dietterich
==> Ecosystem Informatics brings together mathematical and computational tools to address scientific and policy challenges in the ecosystem sciences. These challenges include novel sensors for collecting data, algorithms for automated data cleaning, learning methods for building statistical models from data and for fitting mechanistic models to data, and algorithms for designing optimal policies for biosphere management. This presentation discusses these challenges and then describes recent work on the first two of these -- new methods for automated arthropod population counting and linear Gaussian DBNs for automated cleaning of sensor network data.
from Drew: (вольно-переведенный абстрактa & some comments):. Состояние вопроса и авторское использование Machine-Learning/Data-Mining для сбора и "очистки" данных от сенсорных датчиков интегрального ("novel sensors") типа.. для построения оптимизационных моделей в Эконометрии и Генетике...
PART 0: I N V I T E D - T A L K S:
How Experience of the Body Shapes Language about Space
Luc Steels, Michael Spranger
==> Open-ended language communication remains an enormous challenge for autonomous robots. This paper argues that the notion of a language strategy is the appropriate vehicle for addressing this challenge. A language strategy packages all the procedures that are necessary for playing a language game. We present a specific example of a language strategy for playing an Action Game in which one robot asks another robot to take on a body posture (such as stand or sit), and show how it effectively allows a population of agents to self-organise a perceptually grounded ontology and a lexicon from scratch, without any human intervention. Next, we show how a new language strategy can arise by exaptation from an existing one, concretely, how the body posture strategy can be exapted to a strategy for playing language games about the spatial position of objects (as in "the bottle stands on the table"). text:
from Drew (вольно-переведенный абстрактa & some comments):. Рассмотрена проблема внутригрупповой коммуникации Автономных роботов для перемещений тела/частей-тела Робота в 3х-мерных задачах - как по собcтвенным мотивам, так и в интересах группы роботов-агентов. Собственно, авторы пытаются построить этакий "Монтран", начав с задания алфавита Движений и элементов/направлений 3D === ! ===> и как-то "~магически~" получая
семантические скрипты следующего уровня
Для гиганда
.. работа возможно носит аспирантский характер.. А вот US-ARMY вполне должна серьезно заниматься UAV/AUV's Языками программия Движений-3D и Коллективным Иинтеллектом.. (Pack Intelligence vs Collective Intelligence). Работа oтдаленно напоминает озарения армейского любимца Хомского по Врожденному Единому Языку Человечества (~500 базовых Семантем Каменного Века)...
PART 0: I N V I T E D - T A L K S:
Activity Recognition: Linking Low-level Sensors to High-level Intelligence
Qiang Yang
==> Sensors provide computer systems with a window to the outside world. Activity recognition "sees" what is in the window to predict the locations, trajectories, actions, goals and plans of humans and objects. Building an activity recognition system requires a full range of interaction from statistical inference on lower level sensor data to symbolic AI at higher levels, where prediction results and acquired knowledge are passed up each level to form a knowledge food chain. In this article, I will give an overview of some of the current activity recognition research works and explore a life-cycle of learning and inference that allows the lowest-level radio-frequency signals to be transformed into symbolic logical representations for AI planning, which in turn controls the robots or guides human users through a sensor network, thus completing a full life-cycle of knowledge.
from Drew(вольно-переведенный абстрактa & some comments):. Да-с, алеет Восток.. простой китайских хлопчик предлагает Распознование снизу "от сенсоров" Но! с учетом Предметной Онтологии - "сверху"! Яки Шамис-1977 (см. Сборник "Интегральные Роботы", М,Мир-77.. Причём, взаимодействие "снизу" "с верхом" предлaгается яки "Пищевых Цепей" !
Ау !!!
, Ем. Ярославский..! Ты не дождался Интеллектуальной Леталки-Стрелялки.. как же тебя скоро будет летально-канкретна не-хватать!
Сообщений: 4179
На: Ai Drew :: IJCAI 09 :: Междунар. ии конфа: Позднее лето-2009 - Коротко о Главном
Добавлено: 20 авг 09 5:06
A g e n t - b a s e d and M u l t i a g e n t Systems
0027p Nonmanipulable Selections from a Tournament, Alon Altman, Ariel D. Procaccia, Moshe Tennenholtz
0033p Using
Reasoning Patterns
to Help Humans Solve Complex Games, Dimitrios Antos, Avi Pfeffer
0040p UCT for Tactical Assault Planning in Real-Time Strategy Games, Radha-Krishna Balla, Alan Fern
0046p Methodology for Designing Reasonably Expressive Mechanisms with Application to
Ad Auctions
, Michael Benisch, Norman Sadeh, Tuomas Sandholm
0053p A Multivariate Complexity Analysis of Determining Possible Winners Given Incomplete Votes, Nadja Betzler, Susanne Hemmann, Rolf Niedermeier
0059p Algorithms and Complexity Results for Pursuit-Evasion Problems, Richard Borie, Craig Tovey, Sven Koenig
0067p Conditional Importance Networks: A Graphical Language for Representing Ordinal, Monotonic Preferences over Sets of Goods, Sylvain Bouveret, Ulle Endriss, Jérôme Lang
0073p Planning Games, R. I. Brafman, Carmel Domshlak, Yagil Engel, Moshe Tennenholtz
0079p Coalitional Affinity Games and the Stability Gap, Simina Brânzei, Kate Larson
0085p Simple Coalitional Games with Beliefs, Georgios Chalkiadakis, Edith Elkind, Nicholas R. Jennings
0092p Commitment Tracking via the Reactive Event Calculus, F.Chesani, P.Mello, M.Montali, P.Torroni
0097p Compiling the Votes of a Subelectorate, Yann Chevaleyre, Jérôme Lang, N.Maudet, G.Ravilly-Abadie
0103p How Hard Is It to Control Sequential Elections via the Agenda? Vincent Conitzer, J.Lang, L.Xia
0109p Preference Functions that Score Rankings and Maximum Likelihood Estimation,
Vincent Conitzer..
0116p Learning Graphical Game Models, Quang Duong, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Satinder Singh, M.Wellman
0122p Preference Aggregation over Restricted Ballot Languages: Sincerity and Strategy-Proofness, Ulle Endriss, Maria Silvia Pini, Francesca Rossi, Brent Venable
0128p Multimode Control Attacks on Elections, Piotr Faliszewski, E.Hemaspaandra, L.Hemaspaandra
0134p Charting the Tractability Frontier of Mixed Multi-Unit Combinatorial Auctions,
V.Fionda, G.Greco
0140p Computing Equilibria in Multiplayer Stochastic Games of Imperfect Information,
S.Ganzfried, T.Sandholm
0147p On the Complexity of Compact Coalitional Games, Gianluigi Greco, E.Malizia, L.Palopoli..
0153p Iterated Regret Minimization: A New Solution Concept, Joseph Y. Halpern, R.Passo
0159p Multi-Step
Hider-Seeker Games, Erik Halvorson, V.Conitzer, R.Parr
0167p Collaborative Multi Agent Physical Search with Probabilistic Knowledge, Noam Hazon, Y.Aumann, S.Kraus
0175p Strengthening Schedules through Uncertainty Analysis Agents, Laura M. Hiatt, Terry L. Zimmerman, Stephen F. Smith, Reid Simmons
0181p DCOPs Meet the Real World: Exploring Unknown Reward Matrices with Applications to Mobile Sensor Networks, Manish Jain, Matthew Taylor, Milind Tambe, Makoto Yokoo
0187p Collaboration and Shared Plans in the Open World: Studies of Ridesharing, Ece Kamar, Eric Horvitz
0195p Exchanging Reputation Information between Communities: A Payment-Function Approach, Georgia Kastidou, Kate Larson, Robin Cohen
0201p Event-Detecting Multi-Agent MDPs: Complexity and Constant-Factor Approximations, Akshat Kumar, Shlomo Zilberstein
0208p A Kernel Method for Market Clearing, Sébastien Lahaie
0214p Balancing Utility and Deal Probability for Auction-Based Negotiations in Highly Nonlinear Utility Spaces, Ivan Marsa-Maestre, Miguel A. Lopez-Carmona, Juan R. Velasco, Takayuki Ito, Mark Klein, Katsuhide Fujita
0220p Strategyproof Classification with Shared Inputs, Reshef Meir, A.Procaccia, J.Rosenschein
0226p Argumentation System with Changes of an
Agent’s Knowledge Base
, Kenichi Okuno, K.Takahashi
0223p How Pervasive Is the Myerson-Satterthwaite Impossibility? Abraham Othman, Tuomas Sandholm
0239p Thou Shalt Covet Thy Neighbor’s Cake, Ariel D. Procaccia
0245p Generalised Fictitious Play for a Continuum of Anonymous Players, Zinovi Rabinovich, Enrico Gerding, Maria Polukarov, Nicholas R. Jennings
0251p A Characterisation of Strategy-Proofness for
Grounded Argumentation Semantics
, Iyad Rahwan, Kate Larson, Fernando Tohmé
0257p Coalition Structure Generation in
Multi-Agent Systems with Positive and Negative Externalities
, Talal Rahwan, Tomasz Michalak, Nicholas R. Jennings, Michael Wooldridge, Peter McBurney
0264p Modeling Agents through Bounded Rationality Theories, Avi Rosenfeld, Sarit Kraus
0272p Towards Con-Resistant Trust Models for Distributed Agent Systems, Amirali Salehi-Abari, Tony White
0278p Probabilistic State Translation in Extensive Games with Large Action Sets, David Schnizlein, Michael Bowling, Duane Szafron
0285p Investigations of Continual Computation, Dafna Shahaf, Eric Horvitz
0292p Flexible Procurement of Services with Uncertain Durations using Redundancy, Sebastian Stein, Enrico Gerding, Alex Rogers, Kate Larson, Nicholas R. Jennings
0299p Decentralised Coordination of Mobile Sensors Using the Max-Sum Algorithm,
Ruben Stranders, Alessandro Farinelli, Alex Rogers, Nicholas R. Jennings
0305p Dynamic Configuration of Agent Organizations, Evan A. Sultanik, R. N. Lass, W. C. Regli
0312p Discovering Theorems in Game Theory: Two-Person Games with Unique Pure Nash Equilibrium Payoffs, Pingzhong Tang, Fangzhen Lin
0318p Acquiring Agent-Based Models of Conflict from Event Data, Glenn Taylor, M.Quist, A.Hicken
0324p Where Are the Really Hard Manipulation Problems? The Phase Transition in Manipulating the Veto Rule, Toby Walsh
0330p Eliciting Honest Reputation Feedback in a Markov Setting, Jens Witkowski
0336p Finite Local Consistency Characterizes Generalized Scoring Rules, L.Xia, V.Conitzer
0342p A Dichotomy Theorem on the Existence of Efficient or Neutral Sequential Voting Correspondences, L.Xia, J.Lang
0348p Complexity of Unweighted Coalitional Manipulation under Some Common Voting Rules, Lirong Xia, M.Zuckerman, Ariel D. Procaccia, V.Conitzer, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein
0354p Trading Off Solution Quality for Faster Computation in DCOP Search Algorithms, William Yeoh, Xiaoxun Sun, Sven Koenig
0361p A
Multi-Agent Learning
Approach to Online Distributed Resource Allocation, Chongjie Zhang, Victor Lesser, Prashant Shenoy
0367p Axiomatic Characterization of Task Oriented Negotiation, Dongmo Zhang
0373p K-Swaps: Cooperative Negotiation for Solving Task-Allocation Problems, X.Zheng, Sven Koenig
Сообщений: 4179
На: Ai Drew :: IJCAI 09 :: Междунар. ии конфа: Позднее лето-2009 - Коротко о Главном
Добавлено: 20 авг 09 5:07
C o n s t r a i n t s, S a t i s f i a b i l i t y, and S e a r c h
0380p Interruptible Algorithms for Multi-Problem Solving, Spyros Angelopoulos, Alejandro López-Ortiz
0387p Towards Industrial-Like Random SAT Instances, Carlos Ansótegui, Maria Luisa Bonet, Jordi Levy
0393p On Solving Boolean Multilevel Optimization Problemse,Josep Argelich, Inês Lynce, Joao Marques-Silva
Learnt Clauses Quality in Modern SAT Solvers, Gilles Audemard, Laurent Simon
0495p Online
Stochastic Optimization
in the Large: Application to Kidney Exchange, Pranjal Awasthi, Tuomas Sandholm
0412p Circuit Complexity and Decompositions of Global Constraints, Christian Bessiere, George Katsirelos, Nina Narodytska, Toby Walsh
0419p Decompositions of All Different, Global Cardinality and Related Constraints, Christian Bessiere, George Katsirelos, Nina Narodytska, Claude-Guy Quimper, Toby Walsh
0425p Making Bound Consistency as Effective as Arc Consistency, Christian Bessiere, Thierry Petit, Bruno Zanuttini
0431p TBA*: Time-Bounded A*, Yngvi Björnsson, Vadim Bulitko, Nathan Sturtevant
0437p Canadian Traveler Problem with Remote Sensing, Zahy Bnaya, Ariel Felner, Solomon Eyal Shimony
0443p Experiments with Massively Parallel Constraint Solving, Lucas Bordeaux, Youssef Hamadi, Horst Samulowitz
Best-First Heuristic Search
for Multi-Core Machines, Ethan Burns, Seth Lemons, Rong Zhou, Wheeler Ruml
0456p Nested
Monte-Carlo Search
, Tristan Cazenave
with Lines in the Euclidean Space, Khalil Challita
Search Strategies
for an Anytime Usage of the Branch and Prune Algorithm, Raphael Chenouard, Alexandre Goldsztejn, Christophe Jermann
Monte Carlo Tree Search
Techniques in the Game of Kriegspiel / 474
Paolo Ciancarini, Gian Piero Favini
0480p Duplicate Avoidance in
Depth-First Search
with Applications to Treewidth,
P. Alex Dow, Richard E. Korf
0486p Local
: Is Brute-Force Avoidable? Michael R. Fellows, Frances A. Rosamond, Fedor V. Fomin, Daniel Lokshtanov, Saket Saurabh, Yngve Villanger
0492p Minimum Proof Graphs and Fastest-
Cut-First Search
Heuristics, Timothy Furtak, Michael Buro
0499p Control-Based Clause Sharing in Parallel SAT Solving, Youssef Hamadi, Said Jabbour, Lakhdar Sais
0505p Solving 8x8 Hex, Philip Henderson, Broderick Arneson, Ryan B. Hayward
0511p New Improvements in Optimal Rectangle Packing, Eric Huang, Richard E. Korf
0517p SATenstein: Automatically Building Local Search SAT Solvers from Components, Ashiqur R. KhudaBukhsh, Lin Xu, Holger H. Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown
0525p Exploiting Decomposition on Constraint Problems with High Tree-Width, Matthew Kitching, Fahiem Bacchus
0532p Set Branching in Constraint Optimization, Matthew Kitching, Fahiem Bacchus
0538, Multi-Way Number Partitioning, Richard E. Korf
0544p, Integrating Systematic and Local Search Paradigms: A New Strategy for MaxSAT, Lukas Kroc, Ashish Sabharwal, Carla P. Gomes, Bart Selman
Variety Reasoning
for Multiset Constraint Propagation, Yat Chiu Law, Jimmy H. M. Lee, May H. C. Woo
0559p Towards Efficient Consistency Enforcement for Global Constraints in Weighted Constraint Satisfaction, Jimmy H. M. Lee, Ka Lun Leung
0566p A Soft Global Precedence Constraint, David Lesaint, Deepak Mehta, Barry O’Sullivan, Luis Quesada, Nic Wilson
0572p A Divide-and-Conquer Approach for Solving Interval Algebra Networks, Jason Jingshi Li, Jinbo Huang, Jochen Renz
0578p Open Contractible Global Constraints, Michael J. Maher
0584p Evaluating Strategies for Running from the Cops, Carsten Moldenhauer, Nathan R. Sturtevant
0590p A New d-DNNF-Based Bound Computation Algorithm for Functional E-MAJSAT, Knot Pipatsrisawat, Adnan Darwiche
0596p A Structural Approach to
with Quantified Boolean Formulas, Luca Pulina, Armando Tacchella
Russian Doll Search with Tree Decomposition
, Marti Sanchez, David Allouche, Simon de Givry, Thomas Schiex
0609p Memory-Based Heuristics for Explicit State Spaces, Nathan R. Sturtevant, Ariel Felner, Max Barrer, Jonathan Schaeffer, Neil Burch
0615p Efficient Incremental
Search for Moving Target
Search, Xiaoxun Sun, William Yeoh, Sven Koenig
0621p Solving Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction Problems by Identifying Stable Features,
Richard J. Wallace, Diarmuid Grimes, Eugene C. Freuder
0628p Qualitative CSP, Finite CSP, and SAT: Comparing Methods for Qualitative Constraint-based Reasoning, Matthias Westphal, Stefan Wölfl
A* Search
with Inconsistent Heuristics, Zhifu Zhang, Nathan R. Sturtevant, Robert Holte, Jonathan Schaeffer, Ariel Felner
0640p Combining
Breadth-First and Depth-First
Strategies in Searching for Treewidth, Rong Zhou, Eric A. Hansen
0646p Mixing
Search Strategies for Multi-Player Games
, Inon Zuckerman, Ariel Felner, Sarit Kraus
Сообщений: 4179
На: Ai Drew :: IJCAI 09 :: Междунар. ии конфа: Позднее лето-2009 - Коротко о Главном
Добавлено: 20 авг 09 5:07
K n o w l e d g e R e p r e s e n t a t i o n, R e a s o n i n g, and L o g i c
0653p A New Bayesian Approach to Multiple Intermittent Fault Diagnosis, Rui Abreu, Peter Zoeteweij..
0659p A Logic for
with Bounded Resources, Natasha Alechina, Brian Logan, N.Nga..
0665p Repairing Preference-Based Argumentation Frameworks, Leila Amgoud, Srdjan Vesic
0671p Which Semantics for
Neighbourhood Semantics
? Carlos Areces, Diego Figueira
0677p Extending Decidable Cases for
with Existential Variables,
JF Baget, M.Leclère, ML Mugnier, É.Salvat
0683p Computational Properties of
Pietro Baroni, Paul E. Dunne, M.Giacomin
0690p, An Argumentation-Based Interpreter for Golog Programs, Michelle L. Blom, AR Pearce
0697p Defeasible Inclusions in Low-Complexity DLs: Preliminary Notes ...
0702p Next Steps in Propositional
Contraction, Richard Booth, Thomas Meyer, Ivan José Varzinczak
0708p Euclidean and Mereological
Qualitative Spaces
: A Study of SCC and DCC, S.Borgo
0714p Regular Path Queries in Expressive Description Logics with Nominals,
D.Calvanese, T.Eiter, M.Ortiz
0721p A Symmetry Reduction Technique for Model Checking Temporal-
Epistemic Logic
, Mika Cohen, Mads Dam, A.Lomuscio..
0727p Import-by-Query:
Ontology Reasoning
under Access Limitations, BC Grau, Boris Motik, Yevgeny Kazakov
0733p Diagnosing Multiple Persistent and Intermittent Faults, Johan de Kleer
0739p A Tableaux-Based Method for Computing Least Common Subsumers for Expressive Description Logics, FM Donini, S.Colucci..
0746p A Unified Framework for Representation and Development of Dialectical Proof Procedures in Argumentation, PM Dung, PM Thang
0752p Decomposition of
Declarative Knowledge Bases
with External
, Thomas Eiter, Michael Fink, Thomas Krennwallner
0759p Query Answering in Description Logics with Transitive Roles, Thomas Eiter, C.Lutz, M.Ortiz, M.Simkus
0765p Bidirectional Answer Set Programs with Function Symbols, Thomas Eiter, Mantas Simkus
Knowledge Compilation
Properties of Trees-of-BDDs, Revisited, Hélène Fargier, P.Marquis
0778p FRACTAL: Efficient Fault Isolation Using Active Testing, Alexander Feldman, Gregory Provan..
0785p Solving Strong-Fault Diagnostic Models by Model Relaxation, Alexander Feldman, Gregory Provan..
0791p Plausible Repairs for Inconsistent Requirements, Alexander Felfernig, Gerhard Friedrich..
0797p Symmetric Splitting in the General Theory of Stable Models, P.Ferraris, Joohyung Lee, Vladimir Lifschitz..
0804p On the Accrual of Arguments in Defeasible Logic Programming,
MJG Lucero, CI Chesñevar..
0810p Evaluating Abductive Hypotheses using an EM Algorithm on BDDs,
Katsumi Inoue, Taisuke Sato..
0816p Answer-Set Programming with Bounded Treewidth, Michael Jakl, Reinhard Pichler, Stefan Woltran
0823p Circumscriptive Event Calculus as Answer Set Programming, Tae-Won Kim, Joohyung Lee, Ravi Palla
0830p Forgetting and Uniform Interpolation in Large-Scale Description Logic Terminologies, Boris Konev, Dirk Walther, Frank Wolter
0836p Minimal Module Extraction from
DL-Lite Ontologies
Using QBF Solvers, Roman Kontchakov, Luca Pulina, Ulrike Sattler, Thomas Schneider, Petra Selmer, Frank Wolter, Michael Zakharyaschev
0842p A
Semantical Account
of Progression in the Presence of Defaults, Gerhard Lakemeyer, Hector J. Levesque
0848p The Complexity of Learning Separable ceteris paribus Preferences, Jérôme Lang, Jérôme Mengin
0854p Combining RCC-8 with Qualitative Direction Calculi: Algorithms and Complexity,
Weiming Liu, Sanjiang Li, Jochen Renz
0860p On First-Order Definability and Computability of Progression for Local-Effect Actions and Beyond, Yongmei Liu, Gerhard Lakemeyer
0867p A Logic for Reasoning about Counterfactual Emotions, E.Lorini, F.Schwarzentruber
0873p Labellings and Games for Extended Argumentation Frameworks, Sanjay Modgil
0879p A Fixed-Parameter Tractable Algorithm for Spatio-Temporal Calendar Management,
B.Nebel, J.Renz
Reasoning with Knowledge, Action and Time
in Dynamic and Uncertain Domains, T.Patkos, D.Plexousakis
0891p Model-based Revision Operators for Terminologies in Description Logics,
G.Qi, J.Du
0898p Dialectical Abstract Argumentation: A Characterization of the Marking Criterion, ND Rotstein, MO Moguillansky..
0904p Composition of ConGolog Programs, Sebastian Sardina, Giuseppe De Giacomo
0911p Automated Theorem Proving for General Game Playing, Stephan Schiffel, M.Thielscher
0917p Nominals for Everyone, Lutz Schröder, Dirk Pattinson, Clemens Kupke
0923p Effective
Query Rewriting with Ontologies
over DBoxes,
I.Seylan, E.Franconi..
0930p Negotiation Using Logic Programming with Consistency Restoring
TC Son, C.Sakama
0936p Realising Deterministic Behavior from Multiple Non-Deterministic Behaviors, T.Ströder, M.Pagnucco
0942p Declarative Programming of
Problems with Built-in Arithmetic,
Eugenia Ternovska, DG Mitchell
0948p Applications and Extensions of PTIME Description Logics with Functional Constraints, D.Toman, G.Weddell
0955p Knowing More — From Global to Local Correspondence, Hans van Ditmarsch, Wiebe van der Hoek, B.Kooi
0961p Efficient
for Expressive Comparative Preference Languages, Nic Wilson
0967p On Combinations of Binary Qualitative Constraint Calculi, Stefan Wölfl, M.Westphal
Сообщений: 4179
На: Ai Drew :: IJCAI 09 :: Междунар. ии конфа: Позднее лето-2009 - Коротко о Главном
Добавлено: 20 авг 09 5:07
M a c h i n e L e a r n i n g
0974p Exponential Family Hybrid Semi-Supervised Learning, Arvind Agarwal, Hal Daumé III
0980p Active Policy Iteration: Efficient Exploration through Active Learning for Value Function Approximation in Reinforcement Learning, Takayuki Akiyama, Hirotaka Hachiya, Masashi Sugiyama
0986p Relational
Random Forests
Based on
Random Relational Rules
, Grant Anderson, B.Pfahringer
0992p Adaptive Cluster Ensemble Selection, Javad Azimi, Xiaoli Fern
0998p Self-Managing Associative Memory for Dynamic Acquisition of Expertise in High-Level Domains, Jacob Beal
1004p Angluin-Style Learning of NFA, Benedikt Bollig, Peter Habermehl, Carsten Kern, Martin Leucker
1010p Locality Preserving Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, Deng Cai, Xiaofei He, Xuanhui Wang..
1016p Selecting Informative Universum Sample for Semi-Supervised Learning, Shuo Chen, C.Zhang
1022p Bayesian Extreme Components Analysis, Yutian Chen, Max Welling
1028p Inverse Reinforcement Learning in Partially Observable Environments, J.Choi, Kee-Eung Kim
1034p Knowledge Driven Dimension Reduction for Clustering, Ian Davidson
1040p Search Techniques for Fourier-Based Learning, Adam Drake, Dan Ventura
1046p Local Learning Regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, Quanquan Gu, Jie Zhou
1052, Learning Optimal Subsets with Implicit User Preferences, Yunsong Guo, Carla Gomes
1058, Ranking Structured Documents: A Large Margin Based Approach for Patent Prior Art Search, Yunsong Guo, Carla Gomes
1065p Graph Embedding with Constraints, Xiaofei He, Ming Ji, Hujun Bao
1072p Bootstrap Voting Experts, Daniel Hewlett, Paul Cohen
1077, Linear Dimensionality Reduction for Multi-label Classification, Shuiwang Ji, Jieping Ye
1083p Semi-Supervised Classification on Evolutionary Data, Y.Jia, S.Yan, C.Zhang
1089p gRegress: Extracting Features from Graph Transactions for Regression,
NS Ketkar, LB Holder, DJ Cook
1095p Local Query Mining in a Probabilistic Prolog, Angelika Kimmig, Luc De Raedt
1101p Unsupervised Rank Aggregation with Domain-Specific Expertise, Alexandre Klementiev, Dan Roth, Kevin Small, Ivan Titov
1107p Efficient Skill Learning using Abstraction Selection, George Konidaris, Andrew Barto
1113p Exponential Family Sparse Coding with Application to Self-taught Learning, H.Lee, R.Raina, Alex Teichman, AY Ng
1120p Exploiting Multi-Modal Interactions: A Unified Framework, Ming Li, Xiao-Bing Xue..
Relation Regularized Matrix Factorization, Wu-Jun Li, Dit-Yan Yeung
1132p Boosting Constrained Mutual Subspace Method for Robust Image-Set Based Object Recognition, Xi Li, K.Fukui, N.Zheng
1138p Probabilistic Models for Concurrent Chatting Activity Recognition, CL Lian, JY Hsu
1146p Learning the Optimal Neighborhood Kernel for Classification, Jun Liu, Jianhui Chen..
1150p Spectral Kernel Learning for Semi-Supervised Classification, Wei Liu, Buyue Qian..
1156p Large Margin Boltzmann Machines, Xu Miao, Rajesh P. N. Rao
1163p Transfer Learning from Minimal Target Data by Mapping across Relational Domains,
Lilyana Mihalkova, RJ Mooney
1169p Semi-Supervised Learning of Visual Classifiers from Web Images and Text,
N.Morsillo, C.Pal, R.Nelson
1175p Autonomously Learning an Action Hierarchy Using a Learned Qualitative State Representation, J.Mugan, B.Kuipers
1181p Spectral Embedded Clustering, Feiping Nie, Dong Xu, Ivor W. Tsang, Changshui Zhang
1187p Domain Adaptation via Transfer Component Analysis, Sinno Jialin Pan, Ivor W. Tsang..
1193p Semi-Supervised Classification Using Sparse Gaussian Process Regression A.Patel, S.Sundararajan..
1199p Expanding Domain Sentiment Lexicon through Double Propagation, G.Qiu, B.Liu, J.Bu, C.Chen
1205p Goal-Driven Learning in the GILA Integrated Intelligence Architecture,
J.Radhakrishnan, S.Ontañón..
1211p Streamed Learning: One-Pass SVMs, Piyush Rai, Hal Daumé III, S.Venkatasubramanian
1217p Semi-Supervised Metric Learning Using Pairwise Constraints, MS Baghshah, SB Shouraki
1225p Predictive Projections, Nathan Sprague
1230p On the Equivalence between Canonical Correlation Analysis and Orthonormalized Partial Least Squares, L.Sun, S.Ji, S.Yu, J.Ye
1236p Latent Variable Perceptron Algorithm for Structured Classification,
X.Sun, T.Matsuzaki, D.Okanohara, Jun’ichi Tsujii
1243p Succinct Approximate Counting of Skewed Data, David Talbot
1249p Maintaining Predictions over Time without a Model, Erik Talvitie, Satinder Singh
1255p On Multiple Kernel Learning with Multiple Labels, Lei Tang, J.Chen, J.Ye
1261p Toward Unsupervised Activity Discovery Using Multi-Dimensional Motif Detection in Time Series, A.Vahdatpour, N.Amini, M.Sarrafzadeh
1267p Multi-Class Classifiers and their Underlying Shared Structure, Volkan Vural, Glenn Fung, Romer Rosales, Jennifer G. Dy
1273p Manifold Alignment without Correspondence, Chang Wang, Sridhar Mahadevan
1279p Generalized Cluster Aggregation, Fei Wang, Xin Wang, Tao Li
1285p Preference Learning with Extreme Examples, Fei Wang, Bin Zhang, Ta-Hsin Li, Wen Jun Yin..
1291p Knowledge Transfer on Hybrid Graph, Zheng Wang, Yangqiu Song, Changshui Zhang
1297p Early Prediction on Time Series: A Nearest Neighbor Approach,
Z.Xing, Jian Pei, PS Yu
1303p Discriminative Semi-Supervised Feature Selection via Manifold Regularization
Z.Xu, R.Jin, MR Lyu, Irwin King
1309p Multi-Relational Learning with Gaussian Processes, Z.Xu, K.Kersting, Volker Tresp
1315p Transfer Learning Using Task-Level Features with Application to Information Retrieval, R.Yan, J.Zhang
1321p Spatio-Temporal Event Detection Using Dynamic Conditional Random Fields,
J.Yin, DH Hu, Q.Yang
1327p Robust Distance Metric Learning with Auxiliary Knowledge, ZJ Zha, T.Mei, M.Wang..
1333p Fast Active Tabu Search and its Application to Image Retrieval, C.Zhang, H.Li, Q.Guo..
1339p M3IC: Maximum Margin Multiple Instance Clustering, Dan Zhang, Fei Wang, Luo Si, Tao Li
1245p An Efficient Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Approach in Flexible Kernel Space,
D.Zhang, W.Liu
1351p Smart PCA, Yi Zhang
1357p Non-Metric Label Propagation, Yin Zhang, Zhi-Hua Zhou
1363p Multiclass Probabilistic Kernel Discriminant Analysis, Zheng Zhao, Liang Sun, Shipeng Yu..
1369p Multiple Information Sources Cooperative Learning, Xingquan Zhu, Ruoming Jin
Сообщений: 4179
На: Ai Drew :: IJCAI 09 :: Междунар. ии конфа: Позднее лето-2009 - Коротко о Главном
Добавлено: 20 авг 09 5:07
Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications
1377p Analysis of a Winning Computational Billiards Player, C.Archibald, Alon Altman, Yoav Shoham
1383p Generalized Clustergrams for Overlapping Biclusters, Liviu Badea
1389p Semi-Supervised Regression for Evaluating Convenience Store Location, X.Bai, G.Chen, Q.Tian..
1395p Using Entropy to Distinguish Shape Versus Text in Hand-Drawn Diagrams, A.Bhat, Tracy Hammond
1401p Combining Speech and Sketch to Interpret Unconstrained Descriptions of Mechanical Devices, David Tyler Bischel, Thomas Stahovich, Eric Peterson, Randall Davis, Aaron Adler
1407p Improving State Evaluation, Inference, and Search in Trick-Based Card Games,
Michael Buro, Jeffrey R. Long, Timothy Furtak, Nathan Sturtevant
1414p Suggesting Email View Filters for Triage and Search, Mark Dredze, Bill N. Schilit,
Peter Norvig
1420p Sensing & Predicting the Pulse of the City through Shared Bicycling, J.Froehlich, J.Neumann, N.Oliver
1427p Topic Tracking Model for Analyzing Consumer Purchase Behavior, T.Iwata, S.Watanabe, T.Yamada, N.Ueda
1433p Interpreting Written How-To Instructions, Tessa Lau, Clemens Drews, Jeffrey Nichols
1439p Is It Enough to Get the Behavior Right? Hector J. Levesque
1445p DrosophilaGene Expression Pattern Annotation through Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning, Ying-Xin Li, Shuiwang Ji, Sudhir Kumar, Jieping Ye, Zhi-Hua Zhou
1451p Expressive Power-Based Resource Allocation for Data Centers, Benjamin Lubin, Jeffrey O. Kephart..
1457p Efficient Online Learning & Prediction of Users’Desktop Actions, O.Madani, H.Bui, E.Yeh
1463p A Visual Approach to Sketched Symbol Recognition, Tom Y. Ouyang, Randall Davis
1463p Towards Context Aware Emotional Intelligence in Machines: Computing Contextual Appropriateness of Affective States, Michal Ptaszynski, Pawel Dybala, W.Shi, Rafal Rzepka, K.Araki
1475p Representation and Synthesis of Melodic Expression, Christopher Raphael
1481p Simultaneous Discovery of Conservation Laws and Hidden Particles with Smith Matrix Decomposition, Oliver Schulte
1488p Learning to Follow Navigational Route Instructions, Nobuyuki Shimizu, Andrew Haas
1494p Efficient Dominant Point Algorithms for the Multiple Longest Common Subsequence (MLCS) Problem, Qingguo Wang, Dmitry Korkin, Yi Shang
Сообщений: 4179
На: Ai Drew :: IJCAI 09 :: Междунар. ии конфа: Позднее лето-2009 - Коротко о Главном
Добавлено: 20 авг 09 5:07
N a t u r a l - L a n g u a g e P r o c e s s i n g
1501p Knowledge-Based WSD and Specific Domains: Performing Better than Generic Supervised WSD, Eneko Agirre, Oier Lopez de Lacalle, Aitor Soroa
1507p Web-Scale N-gram Models for Lexical Disambiguation, Shane Bergsma, Dekang Lin, Randy Goebel
1513p Explicit Versus Latent Concept Models for Cross-Language Information Retrieval,
Philipp Cimiano, Antje Schultz, Sergej Sizov, Philipp Sorg, Steffen Staab
1519p Detection of Imperative and Declarative Question-Answer Pairs in Email Conversations, Helen Kwong, Neil Yorke-Smith
1525p Reading Between the Lines, Loizos Michael
1531p Improving Morphology Induction by Learning Spelling Rules, Jason Naradowsky, Sharon Goldwater
1537p Improving a Virtual Human Using a Model of Degrees of Grounding, Antonio Roque, David Traum
1543p On the Tip of My Thought: Playing the Guillotine Game, G.Semeraro, P.Lops, P.Basile..
1549p Introspection and Adaptable Model Integration for Dialogue-based Question Answering, D.Sonntag
1555p Context-Based Approach for Pivot Translation Services, Rie Tanaka, Y.Murakami, T.Ishida
Online Graph Planarisation for
Synchronous Parsing of Semantic and Syntactic Dependencies
,Ivan Titov, James Henderson, Paola Merlo, Gabriele Musillo
1568p Computational Semantics of Noun Compounds in a
Semantic Space Model
Akira Utsumi
1574p Probabilistic Counting with Randomized Storage, Benjamin Van Durme, Ashwin Lall
Context-Sensitive Semantic
Smoothing using Semantically Relatable Sequences, KS Verma, P.Bhattacharyya
1586p Graph-Based Multi-Modality Learning for
, X.Wan, J.Xiao
Multiscale Analysis of Document Corpora Based on Diffusion Models / 1592
Chang Wang, Sridhar Mahadevan
Wikispeedia: An Online Game for Inferring Semantic Distances between Concepts / 1598
Robert West, Joelle Pineau, Doina Precup
1604p Situated Resolution and Generation of Spatial Referring Expressions for Robotic Assistants, Hendrik Zender, Geert-Jan M. Kruijff, Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
1610p On-line Evolutionary Exponential Family Mixture, J.Zhang, Y.Song, G.Chen, C.Zhang
1616p Word Sense Disambiguation for All Words without Hard Labor, Zhi Zhong, Hwee Tou Ng
--- Planning and Scheduling
1623p A Translation-Based Approach to Contingent Planning, Alexandre Albore, H.Palacios, H.Geffner
1629p Translating HTNs to PDDL: A Small Amount of Domain Knowledge Can Go a Long Way,
R.Alford, U.Kuter..
1635p Goal Recognition with Variable-Order
Markov Models
,MG Armentano, A.Amandi
1641p Solving POMDPs: RTDP-Bel vs. Point-based Algorithms, Blai Bonet, Héctor Geffner
1647p Incremental Heuristic Search for Planning with Temporally Extended Goals and Uncontrollable Events, Adi Botea, André A. Ciré
1653p Equivalence Relations in Fully and Partially Observable
Markov Decision
Processes, PS Castro, P.Panangaden, D.Precup
1659p Completeness and Optimality Preserving Reduction for Planning, Yixin Chen, G.Yao
1665p Stratified Planning, Yixin Chen, You Xu, Guohui Yao
1671p Temporal Planning in Domains with Linear Processes, A.Coles, Maria Fox, Derek Long
1677p Domain-Independent, Automatic Partitioning for Probabilistic Planning,
Peng Dai, Mausam, Daniel S. Weld
1684p Topological Order Planner for POMDPs, JS Dibangoye, G.Shani, B.Chaib-draa, AI Mouaddib
1690p Optimal Symbolic Planning with Action Costs and Preferences, Stefan Edelkamp, P.Kissmann
1696p Activity Recognition with Intended Actions, Alfredo Gabaldon
1702p Delaying Commitment in Plan Recognition Using Combinatory Categorial Grammars, CW Geib
1708p Learning Hierarchical Task Networks for Nondeterministic Planning Domains,
Chad Hogg, Ugur Kuter, Héctor Muñoz-Avila
1716p Abnormal Activity Recognition Based on
HDP-HMM Models
, Derek Hao Hu, XX Zhang..
1721p Structured Plans and Observation Reduction for Plans with
, W.Huang, Z.Wen, Y.Jiang..
1728p Cost-Optimal Planning with Landmarks, Erez Karpas, Carmel Domshlak
1734p Trees of Shortest Paths vs. Steiner Trees: Understanding and Improving Delete Relaxation Heuristics, E.Keyder, H.Geffner
1740p Efficient Abstraction and Refinement for Behavioral Description Based Web Service Composition, H.Kil, W.Nam, D.Lee
1746p ReTrASE: Integrating Paradigms for Approximate Probabilistic Planning, Andrey Kolobov, Mausam, Daniel S. Weld
1754p Learning Probabilistic Hierarchical Task Networks to Capture User Preferences,
Nan Li, S.Kambhampati, S.Yoon
1760p A Distributed Control Loop for Autonomous Recovery in a Multi-Agent Plan,
1766p Monte-Carlo Exploration for Deterministic Planning, H.Nakhost, M.Müller
1772p Planning with Partial Preference Models, TA Nguyen, MB Do, S.Kambhampati, B.Srivastava
1778p Plan Recognition as Planning, Miquel Ramírez, Héctor Geffner
1784p Bayesian Real-Time Dynamic Programming, Scott Sanner, R.Goetschalckx, D.Driessens, G.Shani
1790p HTN Planning with Preferences, Shirin Sohrabi, JA Baier, Sheila A. McIlraith
1798p A
Context Driven
Approach for Workflow
, F.Yaman, T.Oates, M.Burstein
1804p Learning HTN Method Preconditions and Action Models from Partial Observations,
Hankz Hankui Zhuo, Derek Hao Hu, Chad Hogg, Qiang Yang, Hector Munoz-Avila
Сообщений: 4179
На: Ai Drew :: IJCAI 09 :: Междунар. ии конфа: Позднее лето-2009 - Коротко о Главном
Добавлено: 20 авг 09 5:08
R o b o t i c s and V i s i o n
1811p Adversarial Uncertainty in Multi-Robot Patrol, Noa Agmon, Sarit Kraus, GA Kaminka, Vladimir Sadov
1818p Evaluating Description and Reference Strategies in a Cooperative
Human-Robot Dialogue
System, ME Foster, M.Giuliani, A.Isard, C.Matheson, J.Oberlander, A.Knoll
1824p Incremental Phi*: Incremental Any-Angle Path Planning on Grids, Alex Nash, S.Koenig, Maxim Likhachev
1831p Information-Lookahead Planning for AUV Mapping(UAV), ZA Saigol, RW Dearden, JL Wyatt, BJ Murton
1837p Self-Supervised
Aerial Image Analysis
for Extracting Parking Lot Structure, Young-Woo Seo, Nathan Ratliff, Chris Urmson
1843p Nonmyopic Adaptive Informative Path Planning for Multiple Robots, A.Singh, A.Krause, WJ Kaiser
1851p Learning Kinematic Models for Articulated Objects, Jürgen Sturm, Vijay Pradeep, Cyrill Stachniss, Christian Plagemann, Kurt Konolige, Wolfram Burgard
1857p A Computational Model for the Alignment of Hierarchical Scene Representations in Human-Robot Interaction, Agnes Swadzba, Sven Wachsmuth, Constanze Vorwerg, Gert Rickheit
1864p Domain-Guided Novelty Detection for Autonomous Exploration, David R. Thompson
1870p Tractable Multi-Agent Path Planning on Grid Maps, Ko-Hsin Cindy Wang, Adi Botea
1876p Human Activity Encoding and Recognition Using Low-level Visual Features, Z.Wang, B.Li
Сообщений: 4179
На: Ai Drew :: IJCAI 09 :: Междунар. ии конфа: Позднее лето-2009 - Коротко о Главном
Добавлено: 20 авг 09 5:08
U n c e r t a i n t y in A I
Network Based
Ontology Matching
, S.Albagli, SE Shimony..
1890p Ceteris Paribus Preference Elicitation with Predictive Guarantees, Y.Dimopoulos, L.Michael, F.Athienitou
1896p Fast Recommendations using GAI Models, JPDubus, C.Gonzales, P.Perny
1902p Multiobjective Optimization using GAI Models, Jean-Philippe Dubus, C.Gonzales, P.Perny
1908p Greedy Algorithms for Sequential Sensing Decisions, H.Hajishirzi, A.Shirazi, J.Choi, E.Amir
1916p Generalized First Order Decision Diagrams for
First Order Markov Decision
Processes, Saket Joshi, Kristian Kersting, Roni Khardon
1922p Lifted Aggregation in Directed First-Order Probabilistic Models, J.Kisynski, D.Poole
Сообщений: 4179
На: Ai Drew :: IJCAI 09 :: Междунар. ии конфа: Позднее лето-2009 - Коротко о Главном
Добавлено: 20 авг 09 5:08
Distinguished Paper Award Winner
1930p Learning Conditional Preference Networks with Queries, Frédéric Koriche, Bruno Zanuttini
1936p A Sparse Covariance Function for Exact Gaussian Process Inference in Large Datasets, Arman Melkumyan, Fabio Ramos
1943p CTPPL: A Continuous Time Probabilistic Programming Language, Avi Pfeffer
1951p Speeding Up Inference in Markov Logic Networks by Preprocessing to Reduce the Size of the Resulting Grounded Network, Jude Shavlik, Sriraam Natarajan
1957p Testing Edges by Truncations, Ilya Shpitser, Thomas S. Richardson, James M. Robins
1964p Variable and Value Ordering for MPE Search, Sajjad Siddiqi, Jinbo Huang
1970p Parameter Identification in a Class of Linear Structural Equation Models, Jin Tian
1976p Learning a Value Analysis Tool for Agent Evaluation, Martha White, Michael Bowling
1982p Efficient Computation of Jointree Bounds for Systematic MAP Search, C.Yuan, EA Hansen
1990p A Syntax-based Framework for Merging Imprecise Probabilistic Logic Programs, A.Yue, W.Liu
1996p Speeding Up Exact Solutions of Interactive Dynamic Influence Diagrams Using Action Equivalence, Yifeng Zeng, Prashant Doshi
2002p A General Approach to Environment Design with One Agent, H.Zhang, Y.Chen, David Parkes
Сообщений: 4179
На: Ai Drew :: IJCAI 09 :: Междунар. ии конфа: Позднее лето-2009 - Коротко о Главном
Добавлено: 20 авг 09 5:08
WEB and Knowledge-based Information Systems
2010p DL-LITER in the Light of Propositional Logic for Decentralized Data Management,
Nada Abdallah, François Goasdoué, Marie-Christine Rousset
2016p Sketching Techniques for Collaborative Filtering, Y.Bachrach, E.Porat, JS Rosenschein
2022p Spatial Processes for Recommender Systems, F.Bohnert, DF Schmidt, I.Zukerman
2028p Dynamic Selection of
Ontological Alignments
: A Space Reduction Mechanism,
Paul Doran, Valentina Tamma, Terry R. Payne, Ignazio Palmisano
2034p Improving Search in Social Networks by
, A.Gürsel, S.Sen
Сообщений: 4179
На: Ai Drew :: IJCAI 09 :: Междунар. ии конфа: Позднее лето-2009 - Коротко о Главном
Добавлено: 20 авг 09 5:08
Distinguished Paper Award Winner
for Horn SHIQ
Yevgeny Kazakov
2046p Efficient Estimation of Influence Functions for SIS Model on Social Networks, M.Kimura, K.Saito, H.Motoda
2052p Can Movies and Books Collaborate? Cross-Domain Collaborative Filtering for Sparsity Reduction, Bin Li, Qiang Yang, Xiangyang Xue
2058, Using Web Photos for Measuring Video Frame Interestingness, F.Liu, Y.Niu, M.Gleicher
2064p A Content-Based Method to Enhance Tag Recommendation, Yu-Ta Lu, Shoou-I Yu..
2070p Conjunctive Query Answering in the Description Logic EL Using a Relational Database System, Carsten Lutz, David Toman, Frank Wolter
2076p Exploiting Background Knowledge to Build Reference Sets for Information Extraction, Matthew Michelson, Craig A. Knoblock
2083p Large-Scale [b]Taxonomy[b/] Mapping for Restructuring and Integrating [b]Wikipedia[b/], Simone Paolo Ponzetto, Roberto Navigli
2089p Towards Ontology Learning from Folksonomies, Jie Tang, Ho-fung Leung, Qiong Luo, Dewei Chen, Jibin Gong
2095p Streamlining Attacks on CAPTCHAs with a Computer Game, Jeff Yan, Su-Yang Yu
2101p Incorporating User Behaviors in New Word Detection, Y.Zheng, Z.Liu, M.Sun..
Сообщений: 4179
На: Ai Drew :: IJCAI 09 :: Междунар. ии конфа: Позднее лето-2009 - Коротко о Главном
Добавлено: 20 авг 09 5:09
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