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 Автор Тема: На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5321
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 30 янв 24 3:59
A Continuation of Einstein's Theory of Relativity
Avogadro number, molar mass and volume are applied, and the photon is proven to be a particle without wave properties, based on double-slit and diffraction experiments. Instead of material points accumulation points are introduced, and Einstein's theory of relativity, along with Poincaré's recurrence theorem, are modified; a formula for the interaction of two parts of one body is constructed based on the alteration of Newton's laws for gravity, Coulomb, and Ampere laws; Newton's three laws and Maxwell's equations are rewritten; Russell's paradox is resolved. Quantum entanglement, displacement current, as well as the Hafele-Keating experiments and the perihelion of Mercury, the Sun's corona, and Earth's clouds are used as evidence of the truth of the Continuation of Einstein's theory of relativity. Experimentally proven is the fact that the speed of light is the highest possible, and Quantum Physics is proven to be erroneous: there is no wave function, Noether theorem and Schrödinger's equations are mistakes.

Material points, as abstractions possessing only mass and substituting physical bodies in discussions about nature — while ignoring their sizes, shapes, internal structures, and assuming the existence of two or more absolutely identical bodies — have been widely used in science without discussion of the legitimacy of such usage for centuries. For example, they have been used to determine the speed of a bicycle moving from point A to point B, or the interaction of two moving balls, or the study of the interaction of multiple particles in a synchrophasotron, and so on as objects; but completely and always ignoring biological subjects.
This article assumes that material points were used solely to preserve the non-axiomatic arithmetic and geometry of ancient Greeks. For instance, there is no axiom stating what natural numbers 0 or 7 are, no axiom defining their differences, nor is there an axiom specifying what a line is: the understanding of the nature of numbers 0 and 7, as well as what constitutes a line, is accepted by agreement. Any attempt to develop an axiomatic foundation for arithmetic and geometry leads to their total destruction, as will be demonstrated below.
Next, in this article the concept of accumulation points is introduced, where they also replace any physical objects in thinking: they have molar masses and volumes (not just masses, as in the case of the material), are unique (there is nothing like each one), each consists of two parts (elements), and their analysis is investigated exclusively through these molar characteristics.
The topic of accumulation points in physics in general, and their application to Einstein's theory of relativity (which is based on the idea that the speed of light is the limit), and Poincaré's recurrence theorem (which asserts that certain dynamical systems will, after a sufficiently long but finite time, return to a state arbitrarily close to their initial state for continuous state systems or exactly the same for discrete state systems) in particular has never been considered, as such points of accumulation were previously unknown. Therefore, it is impossible to make references to literature or cite anyone.
Only that which, in many experiments under approximately similar conditions, provides almost the same result, exists in our Universe. This premise is the foundation upon which the Continuation is built.
Accumulation Point.
Traditionally, the following definition is given: an accumulation point of a set M — the point x of the topological space X ⊃ M, where any neighbourhood of x contains an infinite number of points from M [1]. The same definition being modified for the Continuation: point x has molar mass and volume (“space X") and contains the entire Universe ("space M”).
Thus there is only one accumulation point in our Universe, which is the Universe itself.
Molar Mass and Volume.
A mole is an artificial quantity used to simplify calculations, such as the amount of substance that contains as many smallest particles as there are in 12 grams of one of the isotopes of carbon — C12. For all chemical substances, this quantity is the same and represents Avogadro's number, which is the number of molecules, ions, or other smallest particles in 1 mole of a substance.
A mole is unrestrictedly employed as a qualitative measure in the only axiom, accepted as true without the requirement of proof.
The Axiom.
— There are always two parts in any body.
Standard Model and Minimal Particle.
Only the hypothesis that a photon has no mass (and no molar mass and volume) is of interest to the Continuation in the Standard Model; where the special theory of relativity assumes so because photons travel at the speed of light. Thus smallest elements of everything that exists, its building blocks, are decided to be these photons: indeed, something with less molar mass than none cannot exist; where light and the photons is taken as one and the same.
The absence of molar mass makes the photon a non-existent entity in a world where everything has. Indeed, nothing without volume is known; also photon has never been observed in any experiment and, for example, photographed, unless it got some molar mass and volume.
Flashlight experiment.
Seeing the light emitted by a flashlight, a person makes the emitted photons part of his eye, interacts converting the photons into his eye elements, its just mass into molar mass and volume. Or a photocamera makes this conversion. Therefore just mass opposes molar pair mass plus volume, as nothing to something, about which told Hegel: adjusting his speculation for the needs of the Continuation can be told that negation of negation signifies the resolution of internal contradiction in the process of the development, which is viewed as a movement from nothing of just mass to something of the molar pair. Nothing, existing as an abstraction, transcends its limits, i.e., begins to unfold through the unfolding of internal contradiction. Therefore, never light was observed unless it became an element, which proves that the photon has no molar characteristics.
Subjects and objects.
Subjects are the same accumulation points, which are formed from the same having the molar pair photons. For example, the article [2] says that when considering a pedestrian who, on the way from point A to point B, suddenly turns to point C, the cause for the decision is in the striving toward the "becoming better"; where "better" is the certain ratio of his molar mass and volume; there is no quantitative difference between objects and subjects, they are all the same.
Lagrangian mechanics.
In physics, Lagrangian mechanics is a formulation of classical mechanics founded on the stationary-action principle (also known as the principle of least action). The above pedestrian acts being motivated by his subjective understanding of this “principle of least action”, his subjective understanding of “becoming better”.
Space is understood as the molar volume, an orisphere in the spirit of Lobachevsky's geometry [1]; where this volume, in its limiting case, is a sphere with an infinitely increasing radius, which makes its molar volume equal to the entire Universe.
Why an orisphere and not a field (for example electromagnetic or magnetic)?
In physics it is a common statement that the strength of the magnetic field decreases with increasing external distance, which the Continuation changes to an increase in the internal molar volume. So orisphere is used for pure proform.
There are numerous experiments proving the existence of only one orisphere:
1. Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon that occurs when particles interact in such a way that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the state of the other, when the particles are separated by a very, very large distance. The experiment, where the states of the two are entangled, shows that any photon’s orispere is literally the entire Universe and can be considered only from inside.
2. Or displacement current, when the current in the capacitor exists despite the open circuit, without any medium between its plates: the changes in the orisphere of the atom, in one plate of it, leads to the appearance of current in the atom orisphere behind a break in the circuit, which can be observed at the other side of the Universe, from inside of it.
3. Or the double-slit experiment, when the interference pattern appears on the screen only when the width of the slits approaches the size (due to the ratio of the molar mass to volume) for the atom of the slit’s wall. If the width of the slots is increased, then the illumination of the screen will increase, but the severity of the minima and maxima of the fringes into the interference pattern will gradually fall, until they disappears completely—  the slit becomes much bigger than the atom’s orisphere, but the orisphere knows no boundaries, it is the Universe from inside.
Internal Relations theory of Analytic Philosophy.
The theory of external relations in analytic philosophy was more or less thoroughly developed by Bertrand Russell and George Moore [], and it is based on the idea of material points: the internal nature of bodies, through abstraction and subsequent reflection, are completely ignored, while two or more identical bodies exist. Or, in Leibniz's terminology [3], there is a multitude of monads which are palpable and given into many experiments.
The internal theory is based on operations with internal properties, acknowledging that monads do not exist at all in the world of unique entities and experiments, which only experementally given. This theory has not been developed in any way since Bradley briefly mentioned it in the early 20th century (“For a Thing without qualities is clearly not real. It is mere Being, or mere Nothing, according as you take it simply for what it is, or consider also that which it means to be. Such an abstraction is palpably of no use to us.” [4]), mainly because all of science is founded on the notion of material points, on the assumption that monads are real.
In the Continuation, there is no relativity: in any experiment, there are only two parts of one. Therefore, Einstein's idea continues further but without relativity.
Coordinate system.
There is only one coordinate system, called Egocentric [2]: the number of elements and time are taken into account only. Everything else, which exists, is represented through a constant in the formula, which is presented later.
String theory.
The Continuation accepts, adapting it to its own requirements, the fundamental concept of String Theory that there are strings and multi-universe, asserting that there are two kind of strings below the accumulation points, which possess distinct sets of predicates (derived from the late Latin praedicatum, signifying the property that distinguishes an object): a material point, which is a -2-brane; a material point-string is -1-brane; the membrane, as points of accumulation is 0-brane, localized in Minkowski spacetime, has two predicates, one of which is molar volume: something is +1-brane, and so on.
Everything else from the String Theory is ignored 1) because nothing in it has been proved proved experimentally, 2) the points of accumulation were unknown before, 3) 12-brane is too much for understanding.
This Continuation provides the first ever experimental evidence that -1-brane and 0-brane do exist. Thus the String Theory becomes a science.
Uniqueness and Monadology.
There are not the same in the word of accumulation points and only photons are indistinguishable from each other because they lack their molar volume as a second predicate, where two predicates create uniqueness. All the photons are one and the same and therefore don’t exist.
The Leibniz question of the identity of indiscernibles [3] is answered: the indiscernible becomes unique only after acquiring its molar mass and volume, not just mass.
Law of Nature.
The presented Law of Nature is a transformed ergodic Poincaré Recurrence Theorem, which originally said that certain dynamical systems will, after a sufficiently long but finite time, return to a state arbitrarily close to, or exactly the same as their initial state. Therefore, the Law of Nature, in the presence of molar characteristics, goes like this:
— In a given molar volume there is always only this number of photons.
This Law is proved by the existence of the periodic table of chemical elements, where each atom always has a fixed number of its elements.
Russell-Zermelo paradox.
Answering Russell's question: "Does the set of all contain itself as its element?", the Continuation answers that the "set of all" contains several (probably three-four and much more) kinds of points, each of which has different sets of predicates and transformed to another. For example, the "barber's paradox":
Imagine a barber living in a certain village, who shaves all the villagers who do not shave themselves, and only them.
Does the barber shave himself?
Russell and Zermelo formulated in the era when there were no atomic explosions, during which a large number of photons (without any molar volume) are released; where these explosions are the transition of accumulation into material points (the above photons), the loss of one of two predicates. Then the radiated photons, according to the Law, sooner or later all transform-return to their former volume (they are the same, cannot be said that a new photon that came back, or the old one), and the barber appears from oblivion, safe and sound, and already "clean-shaven", starting to shave everyone.
Therefore the paradox is not a trifle nonsense.
Conservation law.
Conservation law, in physics, is a principle that states that a certain physical property (i.e., a measurable quantity) does not change in the course of time within an isolated physical system.
In the Continuation this law is present as the constant in the rewriting of Newton, Coulomb and Ampere laws below, there number of all kinds of points is constant.
Laser is a device that converts pumping energy (light, electrical, thermal, chemical, etc.) into energy of coherent radiation flux, light. Thus we have an experimental proof that accumulation points (of thermal, chemical, etc. nature) can become material points, which means that the barber can become literally nothing and come out of nowhere, back as something. In other words we got another, after atomic explosions, experimental proof of String Theory.
Niels Bohr.
Bohr postulated that electrons are in quantized energy states where they can emit or absorb photons. Bohr also argued that an atom can be in special stationary quantum states, each of which corresponds to a certain energy; in this stationary state, the atom does not emit electromagnetic waves.
The Continuation takes Bohr’s brilliant ideas as it is: there is a state when the accumulation point contains all its elements, which leads to the termination of its existence and becoming material. That is, in Bohr’s own words: if an atom does not emit, then it does not exist; which is understood as the same as Lagrange’s ‘the principle of least action’.
The Postulate 1, or Einstein's principle of relativity, says:
- The laws of nature are the same in all coordinate systems, moving in a straight line and uniformly relative to each other.
In the light of the above said, the laws mentioned in passing by Einstein are concretized in one and monotheistic, therefore the Postulate I:
- The number of elements in a given molar volume is constant.  
Postulate II in the Continuation:
- The time of inclusion of a photon in any set is the minimum possible.
Einstein, in his Postulate 2, about the speed of light, said the same thing, from a different perspective:
- The speed of light in a vacuum is the same in all coordinate systems, moving in a straight line and uniformly relative to each other.
Indeed, if the speed of movement is maximum, then the time of interaction with something is minimal; there time in the presented Continuation is measured in the standard units: hours, minutes, etc.
Time standard.
There is an absolute standard of time. The presence of this standard time means that there is no need to synchronize many clocks: one clock for two parts of the same body is more than enough.
The rejection of geometry occurs for a purely formal reason: there is no one, literally not a single material point through which it is possible to draw a straight line or build a plane. Therefore no Euclidean or Riemannian, or any other geometry in this theory, no geometrical shapes and figures.
Newton, Coulomb and Ampere.
The equation for universal gravitation thus takes the form:

where F is the gravitational force acting between two objects,
m1 and m2 are the masses of the objects,
r is the distance between the centers of their masses,
and G is the gravitational constant
There is only one Natural number (0=1), as the result of becoming (Hegel’s idea of becoming is used and proved experimentally: something becomes nothing; plus Hegel’s the term Aufhebung of both preserving and changing is practically established in Physics).
A formula for the force of interaction is obtained, through the change of material to accumulation points, into the formulas for Newton’s gravity, Coulomb and Ampere; where a movement of two parts of one is substituted by harmonic functions:

m1 and l1 are one molar mass and volume of one part,
m2 and l 2 are the second part’s molar mass and volume,
dm and dl are the increments of these molar masses and volumes,
the ratio of M and L forms a constant, which characterizes the number of all other both existing and not points in the Universe; in some sense the constantly changing constant represent what is called “dark matter”, plus all the existing matter; this constant says that the Universe is finite,
F is the force of interaction,  
t is time,
the natural number 0 signifies the beginning of one and its end, that is the moment when the increments cease to exist, only one predicate left, and the "collapse" of the function occurs,
tr is one of the trigonometric functions cos, sin, sec and cosec.
The formula says that there is always a tendency of a body to the stationary, in Bohr’s sense, state; where there is no increments dl or dm in this state.
The formula is proved by the existence of nuclear explosions: so called “critical mass” means that there are all elements in the volume, and there are no their increments.
There is no gravity and all other forces in physics.
The finiteness of the Universe.
The question of the fineness of the Universe is answered, through the constant in the formula: number of all kinds of points should be limited, but not their transformations, which is proved by experimental applications of Newton, Coulomb and Ampere laws.
More Practice.
After the number and direction for the force are calculated (from one part to another), classical mechanics is employed with its three-dimensional space and time, its Minkowski space: the centers of the two elements of this one are connected by a chord with the cut ends, a vector, directed from one part to another, is constructed. For example, the vector for the Earth, when interacting with the Moon, is built along the chord (with the cut ends) connecting their centers.
Noether's theorem.
The Noether theorem is completely and unequivocally refuted in the Continuation: all physics problems are solved only through a single differential equation (the above formula) for two interacting parts, which has its molar volume. Meanwhile, Lagrangian mechanics, the Lagrangian, and Noether's theorem were designed for an infinitely large number of equations and for the same infinite number of bodies. In other words, Noether and Lagrange ignored Avogadro's number.
The "principle of least action" of Noether and Lagrange, is the Postulate I, as a number of photons in a given molar volume.
Quantum physics.
Quantum physics is a mistake because it 1) ignores molar characteristics and operates with just mass, and 2) considers the quantum both as a particle and as a wave.
Density layer.
From the formula follows the presence of density layers, as molar volumes and masses; where each layer, in its certain volume, has a strict number of photons in it. For example, the orbit of an electron in its atom is a layer, as a planetary orbit in its star system. Or the slit’s border atoms have limitations into their orispheres.
But if the molar characteristics are in “short supply” — for example, there are not enough photons/ molar mass — then this accumulation point is not formed: humans do not have layers, as well as cars, trees, meteorites and molecules.
1. The density of a body is calculated as the ratio of either its molar mass to volume, or its molar volume to mass, which follows from the fact that gasses and metals exist in the periodic table for chemical elements: for the gasses their density is the ratio of their molar mass to volume, and metals vice versa.
In a sense, such density is a kind of symmetry that, being confirmed experimentally.
2. The number of elements in the layers depends on their radius to the center of an orisphere; which, for example, is proved by the difference in pressure at a depth of 10 km, at sea level and altitude of 10 km; as well as numbers of electrons into atoms.
Archimedes law.
Archimedes’ law says that a body immersed in a liquid or gas is affected by a buoyant force numerically equal to the weight of the volume of liquid or gas displaced by the body. Therefore, according to the Continuation, the gravel flying out from under the car’s wheels, is pushed out of the density layer in which it was in an equilibrium-stationary state, under the influence of its molar characteristics deviation, rising into the density layer where its internal parameters again correspond to the stationary state.
Hafele and Keating circled the globe twice, first traveling eastward and then westward, with four sets of cesium atomic clocks. They then compared the "traveling" clocks with identical clocks that remained at the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO), as part of an experiment intended to test the theory of relativity. The aim was to demonstrate the reality of the twin paradox
– The essence of the paradox: there are two twin brothers; one of them – referred to as the "traveler" – goes on a space journey, while the other – referred to as the "stay-at-home" – remains on Earth; after the journey, the traveler returns to Earth, and it is claimed that one is older than the other, as predicted by the theory of relativity, which involves time dilation for moving objects, as well as gravitational time dilation.
Since then, after Hafele-Keating, it was believed that Einstein's theory was proven; and it is indeed, but not in the way Hafele and Keating thought.
The Continuation claims that the Hafele-Keating experiment unequivocally proves that density layers are real. For instance, the four atomic clocks at an altitude of 10 km become, at their hardware level, different by the number of photons from one left at sea level, which is obvious from the indication of different times, and which is proved by the above mentioned difference in the air pressure. The same happens with GPS: there is no acceleration or deceleration of time, but there more or less photons: GPSes become physically different as hardware. Indeed, photons can penetrate and stay as internal elements, which is confirmed by the existance of laser, presence of the fringes in the interference pattern and perihelion of Mercury (read below).
As for the "twin paradox": in the above interaction formula, there is only one clock for two parts of one: twins always interact, compose one; which is proved by quantum entanglement experiment.  
Perihelion of Mercury.
Mercury deviates from the precession predicted based on Newton's law for gravity, there this anomalous precession of the perihelion of Mercury's orbit was first recognized in the mid-19th century as a problem of celestial mechanics and still plays an exceptional role in Physics.
Einstein developed the general theory of relativity, where the equations predicted precisely the value that was actually observed. The Continuation explains why such a displacement occurs, without objecting Einstein’s result a bit, and without applying the gravitational force (because there is no such).
When the number of elements, in the molar volume of Mercury, exceeds its stationary one, since particles are obtained from the solar wind and photons from the Sun, then Mercury changes its orbit to get rid of the excess by emitting it. After the surplus is g
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5321
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 05 фев 24 6:29
Ещё раз: в физике нет никакой математики. Есть только две взаимодействующие части одного, в полном соответствии с законом для гравитации Ньютона, законами Кулона и Ампера. Естественно обновленными, те переписанными на новый род точек, на точки накопления.
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5321
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 05 фев 24 10:00
И ещё раз: двущелевой опыт, интерференция и дифракция убедительно доказывают что фотон это только частица без каких-либо волновых свойств. Что означает отсутствие волной функции и ошибочность уравнений Шрёдингера.
Квантовой физики больше нет, поскольку трактовка двущелевого опыта была ошибочна. Последнии сто лет физика развивалась в неверном направлении!

При этом Эйнштейн был прав. А наличие полос при интерференции, как и отклонение направления света при дифракции убедительно доказывают конечность скорости света и правильность Эйнштейновского Постулата 2.
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5321
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 07 фев 24 13:05
То что я говорю это всё абсолютно новое и никогда раньше никем не формулировалось. При этом каждое моё слово доказано опытами.


Material points, as abstractions possessing only mass and substituting physical bodies in discussions about nature — while ignoring their sizes, shapes, internal structures, and assuming the existence of two or more absolutely identical bodies — have been widely used in science without discussion of the legitimacy of such usage for centuries. For example, they have been used to determine the speed of a bicycle moving from point A to point B, or the interaction of two moving balls, or the study of the interaction of multiple particles in a synchrophasotron, and so on as objects; but completely and always ignoring biological subjects.


Next, in this article the concept of accumulation points is introduced, where they also replace any physical objects in thinking: they have molar masses and volumes (not just masses, as in the case of the material), are unique (there is nothing like each one), each consists of two parts (elements), and their analysis is investigated exclusively through these molar characteristics.

The topic of accumulation points in physics in general, and their application to Einstein's theory of relativity (which is based on the idea that the speed of light is the limit), and Poincaré's recurrence theorem (which asserts that certain dynamical systems will, after a sufficiently long but finite time, return to a state arbitrarily close to their initial state for continuous state systems or exactly the same for discrete state systems) in particular has never been considered, as such points of accumulation were previously unknown.

То есть фотоны это материальные точки в мире точек накопления, что есть Теория Струн.

Тогда электричество есть проявление стремления к восстановлению молярного объёма, магнетизма — молярной массы, все к стационарному, в смысле Бора, состоянию.

Умоляю, забудьте волны, волновую функцию и уравнения Шрёдингера! Они ошибочны. Существует только Классическая физика в которой законы Ньютона-Кулона-Ампера переписаны на точки накопления, те число Автгадро. Эйнштейн был прав, его ТО работает прекрасно с молярными величинами.
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5321
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 07 фев 24 16:34
Наличие полос в интерференционной картине, как и отклонение луча света в область геометрической тени при дифракции однозначно доказывает что скорость света наибольшая возможная, как и то что большей быть не может. 

Действительно, электроны обладают спинами, они вращаются и отдают когерентные фотоны не мгновенно а через интервал времени; где наименьший, эталонный интервал времени определён Постулатом 2 Эйнштейна. Поэтому и полосы, поэтому и огибание препятствий (дифракция). Проделайте опыты дома чтобы убедиться в правоте Эйнштейна.

И интерференция, и дифракция возможны только потому что фотон это только частица, безо всяких волновых свойств, что также подтверждается двущедевым опытом. Следовательно Квантовая физика ошибка, волновой функции нет и быть не может, а Шрёдингер ошибался и его уравнения ошибочны.

Нет и быть не может скорости большей чем скорость света. А мгновенность квантовой запутанности имеет свою природу в постоянной в законах Ньютона-Кулона-Ампера, предписанных на точки накопления.

Эйнштейн был прав, но Квантовая физика это ошибка.
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5321
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 08 фев 24 6:26
Никаких электромагнитных волн нет! Это всего лишь описание процесса в предположении что фотон имеет дуалистичную природу, то есть в уверенности что фотон это частица и волна одновременно. Поэтому и появилась теорема Нётер, Квантовая Физика, волновая функция и уравнения Шрёдингера: двущелевой опыт подвиг на предположение об дуалистичности.

Но по каким-то причинам было проигнорировано то что при увеличении размера щелей (в двущелевом) интерференционная картина размывается и постепенно исчезает, что означает действие стенок щелей на появление интерференции. Исходя из этого я ввёл в физику понятие точки накопления, на замену материальных, что привело к доказательству ошибочности принципа дуалистичности: фотон это только и только частица.

А опыт с дифракцией это только подтверждает, как и опыты с квантовой запутанностью и током смещения, наблюдение перигелия Меркурия и короны Солнца.

Всё, Квантовая Физика закончилась, а модератор этого форума вдруг оказался в дураках.
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5321
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 08 фев 24 10:12
Двущелевой опыт и дифракция доказывают что фотон это частица безо всяких волновых свойств, как и все тела во Вселенной не обладают волновыми свойствами. Волнам нет места в физике, бал правит Классическая физика и законы Ньютона-Кулона-Ампера.

Как известно в опыте Юнга (двухщелевом) Интерференционная картина возникает на экране, когда ширина щелей приближается к длине волны излучаемого монохроматического света. Если ширину прорезей увеличивать, то освещённость экрана будет возрастать, но выраженность минимумов и максимумов интерференционной картины будет падать вплоть до полного её исчезновения.

Это свидетельствует о том что стенки щелей, атомы материала стенок влияют на проходящий в щели свет, то есть фотоны.

Дифра́кция во́лн (в старой литературе также диффракция[1], от лат. diffractus; букв. «разломанный») — явление огибания волнами препятствий[1], в широком смысле любое отклонение от законов геометрической оптики при распространении волн.

Дифракция также свидетельствует о влиянии материала препятствия на свет, то есть фотоны.

Из этого следует что

1. полосы на экране при интерференции свидетельствуют о том что пролетающие в щели фотоны улавливаются электронами атомов из материала окружающего щели, и испускаются когерентно не мгновенной, а с задержкой, поскольку фотоны обладают спинами:

2. пролетающие фотоны входят, при дифракции, также в электроны атомов материала препятствия, и испускаются когерентно с задержкой.

Из чего следует что фотон это частица безо всяких волновых свойств.

PS Собирайте все манатки и валите из физики.
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 08 фев 24 10:33
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5321
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 08 фев 24 12:27
Слово сказано и его услышали.
Фотон это частица, двущелевой опыт был неправильно понят. Доказательство — дифракция.

Слово сказал я.

Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5321
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 08 фев 24 13:17
Если вывернуть Постулат 2 Эйнштейна наизнанку, то вместо скорости получится время вхождения во множество: фотон входит в любое множество за минимальный интервал времени. Значит есть абсолютный эталон времени, меньше которого быть не может.

В двущелевом: интерференционная картина возникает на экране, когда ширина щелей приближается к длине волны излучаемого монохроматического света. Если ширину прорезей увеличивать, то освещённость экрана будет возрастать, но выраженность минимумов и максимумов интерференционной картины будет падать вплоть до полного её исчезновения.

Следовательно картина появляется как следствие воздействия атомов по краям щелей.

Полосы на картине возникают оттого что фотоны захватываются и когерентно испускаются электронами атомов, которые имеют спины. Но испускаются на мгновенно, а через интервал времени. Потому и полосы.
Очевидно что этот интервал больше или равен эталону времени.

Дифракция, как отклонение распространения света от прямой, доказывает что в двущелевом фотоны захватываются электронами.

Значит Постулат 2 Эйнштейна верен, поскольку в предельном случае, если бы фотоны когерентно испускались в эталонный интервал времени, то мы бы не видели полос на экране, а была бы только одна. Мы же видим. Значит эталон времени существует и скорость света предельно возможная.

Попробуйте дома? Описание опытов есть на ютубе.
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 08 фев 24 13:40
эйнштейн ньютон
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5321
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 08 фев 24 13:54
Автор: гость

эйнштейн ньютон

Да, Эйнштейн был прав и я доказал что скорость света действительно наиболее возможная. Кстати первый, никто до меня не мог. Доказал двущелевым и дифракции опытами, которые каждый может проделать дома и убедится что Эйнштейн был прав.
Да, Ньютон был прав и его закон работает, если заменить материальные на точки накопления, не только для астрономических объектов.
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5321
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 08 фев 24 14:11
Я сделал эпохальное открытие, отменив всю Квантовую физику и доказав что фотон это частица.
Ландау и Капице такое даже не снилось! Так что я самый великий русскоговорящий учёный, намного больший чем Эйнштейн, поскольку я создал ИИ и сделал философию наукой.
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5321
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 09 фев 24 10:14
Если вывернуть Постулат 2 Эйнштейна наизнанку, то вместо скорости получится время вхождения во множество: фотон входит в любое множество за минимальный интервал времени. Действительно, если скорость света максимальна, то ничего не может войти в тело быстрее.

Значит есть абсолютный эталон времени, меньше которого быть не может.

В двущелевом: интерференционная картина возникает на экране, когда ширина щелей приближается к длине волны излучаемого монохроматического света. Если ширину прорезей увеличивать, то освещённость экрана будет возрастать, но выраженность минимумов и максимумов интерференционной картины будет падать вплоть до полного её исчезновения.

Следовательно картина появляется как следствие воздействия атомов по краям щелей. Ранее никто не обращал внимание на стенки щелей, я первый.

Полосы на картине возникают оттого что фотоны захватываются и когерентно испускаются электронами атомов (из материала стенок), которые имеют спины. Но когерентные испускающая на мгновенно, а через интервал времени. Потому и полосы.

Очевидно что этот интервал больше или равен эталону времени, поскольку меньший интервал существовать не может.

Дифракция, как отклонение распространения света от прямой, доказывает что в двущелевом фотоны захватываются именно электронами или другими нуклонами (возможно ядром атома).

Значит Постулат 2 Эйнштейна верен, поскольку в предельном случае, если бы фотоны когерентно испускались в эталонный интервал времени, то мы бы не видели полос на экране, а была бы только одна. Мы же видим множество полос. Значит эталон времени существует и скорость света предельно возможная.

Попробуйте дома? Описание опытов есть на ютубе.
Ilya Geller
Сообщений: 5321
На: Моя Нобелевка по Физике
Добавлено: 09 фев 24 11:57
Это Пентагон, тот кто не даёт мне опубликовать моё открытие. Это ЦРУ. Блядские пидорасы боятся что технология утечёт к русским и они не проиграют войны.
Действительно, установка моей технологии на дроны и других роботов приведёт к кардинальным изменениям на поле боя.
Вот так моё открытие, которое сделало философию точной наукой и привело к созданию Искусственного Интеллекта, который всякий может увидеть у OpenAI или Гугл Gemini, привело к тому что моё открытие в физике замалчивается.

Будь проклят Пентагон и ЦРУ!
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